Oh God I'm so old!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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I came across a girl on facebook that I used to babysit (along with her siblings). Last time I saw her she was 4. Cute little blonde haired kid that I read stories to at bedtime.

She's FIFTEEN now. FIFTEEN that's ridiculous. She can't be fifteen, I refuse to believe it. :shakehead: It can't possibly have been eleven years. :shock: :shock:

I'm so old :(
Tell me about it, I went to my uncle's wedding reception last night and there were a number of my 'baby' cousins there propping up the bar!! :eek:
Wait until people you went to school with start becoming GRANDPARENTS :talkhand:
Minxy said:
Wait until people you went to school with start becoming GRANDPARENTS :talkhand:

That is actually possible for me as one of my class mates had a boy at the age of 12- he'll be 17 now :talkhand:
I went to my nieces wedding yesterday,and my kids played with her 15month old daughter now that makes you feel old :rotfl:
Minxy said:
Wait until people you went to school with start becoming GRANDPARENTS :talkhand:

:rotfl: Thats happening to us now...shocking especially whe they wernt perticularly gym slip parents
Well thankyou ladies im now well and truely depressed :(
My son is nearly 20 and my eldest daughter is 17 so its me who is likely to be a grandparent in the next few years not my friends :?
Minxy said:
Wait until people you went to school with start becoming GRANDPARENTS :talkhand:

already happened to a few i went to school with but i am 38 so not a surprise really :lol:

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