off topic...stressed myself out


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Jesus......I have had myself in a right state

Ok to give you an idea, recently my laptop went pop and needed a complete overhaul, so i had that done and everything upgraded...but I lost a load of software (like photoshop etc)
I have been plodding along without it, but then recently discussing things with work (mum and dad) realised i will need to be able to work from home more and more over the coming months and when little one is here

So I was told to order the new software that I needed, as then I could upgrade my computer too, spent ages looking into it and finally ordered it (£1600) this made me feel sick when I ordered it as its a scary amount of money

anyway, it turned up today so I thought Id get it on straight away so I can get used to all the updates...............and it doesnt work...turns out although I am running the right operating system the processor isnt right on my laptop or my its no good......cant return it cus its opened

so after sitting here in a panic for some time, I decided to start by telling my mum, but as soon as I started to tell her I was crying uncontrollably and then my nose started bleeding like a bugger again

Have now told both of them, and have been tld to look into a replacement computer or laptop...........which as its a mac is another scary amount of money

Sorry for the completely off topic post, but its sent my stress levels right up, I cant bear to think about the cost, even now that they have told me its alright and will get sorted I still feel awful, and my bloody nose wont stop bleeding
oh, i'm sorry- i can only offer my sympathy, as i'm rubbish with all things IT.
can you not contact apple and ask their advice?my advice could only be that i probably wouldn't go spending huge amounts 'til you have a second or third opinion on whether it's definitely something you need to get. just incase.
sorry i can't help. hope it all works out for you. try not to worry xx

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