OFF topic completly..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I Dont know what to do..

My OH has been lookin after his 15yr old sis because parents are on holiday..

Anyway she does a dissapearing act, goes camping, turns phone off (we didnt know shed even gone)

We managed to get hold of her, she'd gone about 40miles from home (not too far, but far enough) so OH told her he was coming to get her. It was about 10'oclock, late and we were all worried..

He had been to the pub earlier that day (3hours before driving)

Now i'm not saying he was right to Drive, (and i didnt know he'd set off, or i wouldnt of let him) be'd had 4pints, and hes a big lad.. anyway.. HE STILL SHOUDNT HAVE DROVE! I HATE DRINK DRIVERS!

Anyway.. He got pulled!! Arrested, and will definatly lose his licence..

his job requires a licence.. So at end of month when it goes to court, he'll lose his job.. And his plan was to join Army.. But you cant join Army either with Driving Ban..

So now he'll be left jobless, and i'm soo worried what were going to do.
I cant help but worry about come Nov when i'm Due.. this worry isnt good for me.

Please help, any suggestions appreciated :'( :( :cry: :cry: xx
Maybe when it goes to court explain the situation and they may be more lenient and ban him for less time.
very much doubt it, Drinking and driving is just a no go..

i would never ever do it, nor should anyone, i'm so against things like that :'(

He was only just very slightly over, he wasnt atall drunk, or tipsy, but still not point. I'm distraut, worryin what were going to do for money :'( x
I have no suggestions but I wanted to give you some of these! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
This is something you dont need to be dealing with right now!!
Hey, maybe he cold explain that his sister was stranded and possibly in danger ? Also i foudn this online where someones ban was reduced from 16 months to a year because she took on a driving course afterwards, and hers was 16 months because she crashed into a parked car, not that its any better that your OH didnt crash, nothing could say he wouldnt have you never know but seeing as he didnt actually cause any damage, i would have thought hed get less time banned :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey girls thanks so much for posts,
yeh he'll prob get it reduced by 3/4months if do course.. friend had to do that course, and she said she would never drink and drive again. so well worth it. i think they should send everyone on the course anyway, just so people can see what it can do:'(

i'm soo ashamed of him, hes shut me out, punishing me, because he thinks hes not fit to bring up our baby! because he will be jobless as soon as he tells work :'( xx
Aww hun try not to stress too much.

My ex done this when we were together. He had had 3 pints and was taking a 5 minute drive from town to my flat, and got pulled.

He got a 12 month ban, but never done the course as it cost about £180.

His job also depended on the car, but thankfully he was able to work round it and ended up getting a better paid job anyway!

I was livid at the time, but he really learnt his lesson and came off better out of it in the end.
I'm a great believer that things happen for a reason hun, everything will work out for you guys. He was very silly to drive after he had been drinking, but it's done now you need to both be strong for the baby.

Found this and thought it might help

When can the police require a breath test? Any person who is driving, attempting to drive, or in charge of a motor vehicle on the road, or in a public place (eg a pub car park or a garage forecourt), may be required by the police to provide a breath test, to ascertain whether they are over the prescribed limit of alcohol - 35 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath (or 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood).

The request must be made by a police officer in uniform, but can only be made if one of the following situations apply :-

the police officer has reasonable cause to suspect that you have committed, or are currently committing a moving traffic offence, or
if, having stopped, an officer has reasonable cause to suspect that the person driving/attempting to drive/in charge of the vehicle has consumed alcohol, or
the police officer has reasonable cause to believe that you were the person driving/attempting to drive/in charge of a motor vehicle which was involved in an accident.
So does that mean that the police can just stop your car if you are driving along and insist on giving you a roadside breath test? The answer is NO. They are entitled to randomly stop your car, but they can only insist on a breath test if they have reasonable cause to suspect you have committed a traffic offence, or have consumed alcohol (eg they can smell it on your breath), or they reasonably believe you have been involved in an accident (eg the description of your car matches that given by a witness).

What happens if the roadside test is positive, or you refuse, or you can't give the necessary sample? If any of these happen you will be arrested and taken to the police station. At the police station you will usually be asked to provide two specimens of breath for analysis (using approved evidential instruments either an Intoximeter EC/IR; Lion Intoxilyzer; or Camic Datamaster). If the two readings differ then the police must rely on the lower reading. If the reading is over the prescribed limit then you will have committed an offence and you will be charged.

You do not have a right to insist on supplying a sample of blood or urine instead. If you fail to supply a breath specimen at the station you will committed an offence, unless you have a reasonable excuse. Being too drunk or unfit to supply the necessary breath specimen is NOT a reasonable excuse. A medical condition which prevents you from supplying enough breath for the machine to sample may be a sufficient excuse. If you have such a condition you must advise the police at the time.

The police may legitimately request that you provide a specimen of blood or urine as an alternative to a breath test, if :-

No automatic measuring device is available at the time of your arrest, or it is not working properly.
The offence involves drugs and the police officer has taken medical advice that your condition may be due to drugs.
The police officer making the request has reasonable cause to believe that breath samples should not be requested for health reasons
What happens if it is close to the limit? If the lower of the two breath readings at the station is 39 micrograms or below, then you should be released either without charge or with a caution. If it is between 40 and 50 micrograms, then you MUST be offered the option of providing an alternative specimen of either blood or urine (if the police fail to offer you this option then you will have a defence to the charge). You should be asked which you would prefer, but it is up to the police to decide which one they offer you, unless, again, you have a medical condition which would preclude you from providing the necessary sample. The police cannot take a blood sample without your consent, but if this is the option offered and you refuse to consent then the police can rely on the breath sample they have taken.

If you are asked to provide urine they will ask you to provide two samples within an hour. If blood then this must be taken by a police surgeon, who will have to be called to the station.

You have a right to have the second sample taken and you should always avail yourself of this right.

What happens if you are charged? If you are going to be charged you will have the charge read out to you and you will be cautioned about saying anything which may later be used in evidence. You will then be asked to sign the Charge Sheet and a copy will be given to you. You will usually then be bailed to attend at Court on a specified date - ie you will be free to go and must attend Court on the date and time given. You will not usually be allowed to drive from the station (as you would most likely be committing another offence), but you are free to drive until the date of your hearing when any ban that may be imposed will come into immediate effect.

If I get a ban can I get my licence back before the ban ends? A person disqualified for more than 2 years, may after 2 years, apply to the court that imposed the ban to have the remaining period of disqualification removed. They must appear in person and must satisfy the court that:-
1. They have committed no further road traffic offences during the 2 year ban, and
2. There is a good and adequate reason for the return of their licence (eg the chance of a new job, promotion, moving to a rural location and need a car [proof of successful alcohol abuse treatment may also be relevant in drink driving cases])

These are the relevant drink driving offences

Failing to provide a roadside breath test (Code DR70)
Penalty - Fine - up to Level 3 (£1,000)4 penalty points on your licence
Disqualification is at the discretion of the Court

Driving/Attempting to Drive with excess alcohol (DR10)
Penalty - Fine - up to Level 5 (£5,000) and/or up to 6 months imprisonment
Mandatory disqualification for at least 12 months for first offence
Mandatory disqualification for at least 3 years for second offence within 10 years.

Being in charge of a motor vehicle with excess alcohol (DR40)
Penalty - Fine - up to Level 4 (£2,500) and/or up to 3 months imprisonment
10 penalty points on your licence
Disqualification is at the discretion of the Court

After Driving/Attempting to drive refusing to provide samples for analysis (DR30)
Penalty - Fine - up to Level 5 (£5,000) and/or 6 months imprisonment
Mandatory disqualification for at least 12 months for first offence (18 months tends to be the norm as you are considered to have been trying to avoid being found guilty)
Mandatory disqualification for at least 3 years for second offence within 10 years

After being in charge refusing to provide samples for analysis (DR60)
Penalty - Fine - Level 4 (£2,500) and/or 3 months imprisonment
10 penalty points on your licence
Disqualification is at the discretion of the Court

You may find if he was only alittle over the limit and explains what happened then he might just get points and a fine.

Good Luck :hug:
Theres some gr8 info on here already, but just wanted to say try to find the solution as oposed to worrying wait and see what happens with any luck his ban may not be for too long, hopefully he can explain to the judge he has a clean driving liicense, baby on the way and his teen sister basically ran away etc...

best of luck with it all

Sorry to hear what a weekend you've had hun, :hug:
So stressful for you but try not to worry yourself too much, I'm sure everything will work out in the end and hopefully the judge will be lenient given all the circumstances.
Take care,
Sarah x :hug:
I wanted to pass on lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
We all make quick decisions which sometimes aren't the correct ones but it's done now and I just wanted to say I do hope you can try not to think about it too much for now, leave it for the court date, it may be just a fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks so much for all your advise, and research girls, dunno what i'd do without you..

OH has shut me out, its just one thing after another with him. Its stressing me out more being with him. So i've called it a day for now.. who knows what the future may hold..

But i cant do this anymore.. i need to concentrate on me and Junior, and hes always doing things wrong, i dont need him in my life, hes draggin me down, he does nothing but disrepect me..

sorry for the rant..


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