Off to McD's ladies . . .

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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. . .anyone want anything? :lol:

Anyone who says salad will be pitched forked along with the spies! :rotfl:
Oh yessss McChicken Sandwich meal with Irn Bru for me. only LARGE is acceptable :D ..oh and a Sunday :D
Mmmm Fries, Strawberry Milkshake, 1 Chocolate Sundae, 1 Toffee Sundae & 1 Smarties McFlurry please *drools*
Big Mac - oh god, I want a Big Mac - no I NEEEEEEED a Big Mac, and I NEEEEEED it now!

In fact, make it two - one for me, one for Flipper :lol:

Oh, and Flipper says he wants a vanilla milkshake too :rotfl:
Big tasty, large fries, large banana milkshake & 2 double cheeseburgers for later please :lol:
pacha said:
Oh yessss McChicken Sandwich meal with Irn Bru for me. only LARGE is acceptable :D ..oh and a Sunday :D

Irn Bru?? Since when :think: Do MD's do another size then other than large? :lol:

Right I'm back! And Oh My God - what's happened to me? I just scoofed down a big mac meal (with extra fries!) in seconds! Like them fillms where someone hasn't eaten for months and they are grabbing handfuls of food . . .that was me! :oops: But MY GOD was it good! :rotfl:

Right didnt have everyone's order's when I got there so I got a selection (it goes witout saying they are all large) :wink: :

10 Strawberry Shakes, 10 Chocolate, 8 banana - sorry Chopsie no Vanilla! :(
19 Double cheeseburgers, 16 Big Mac's, 8 Chicken Sarnies, 5 Veggie ones for the veggies amoung us, 5X6 chicken nuggets

36 Large Fries, 18 Apple Pies, 25 Sundae's various varieties, 55 McFlurry's YUM! :dance:

And millions of sauces

READY . . . SCRAMBLE! :rotfl: :rotfl:
yay your back - I was starving :D

A Mc'D's aint the same without an Irn Bru :D Do you not get that where you are?..I am in Scotland :think:
Well i've just claimed one of those banana milkshakes...

yum yum...

thanks mama 2 be that was good :D
Mama 2 Be said:
10 Strawberry Shakes, 10 Chocolate, 8 banana - sorry Chopsie no Vanilla! :( :

WHHHAAAT???!! :evil:

Do these people not understand - I don't WANT vanilla milkshake, I NEEEED vanilla milkshake!!!

In that case, ALL of those apple pies are mine, and woe betide anyone who tries to wrench one from my grubby paws! :rotfl:
*Eats more than what i ordered*

...Sorry guys, got a bit carried away :oops: *burps*
Where's my salad :rotfl:
As if,i'm now going to McD's after work(for the kids of course)
I stopped at Maccy's on way back from scan today and had a large quarter pounder with cheese meal, it was gorgeous :D
***Slying sneaks a toffee sundae off the table **** Always room for icecream :wink:

Down south Pacha - Def no Bru here - sorry.

Girls take cover I think Chopsie's gonna blow! :shock: **Runs like pheobe in Friends clutching sundae for dear life!**** :rotfl:
Oooooh irun bru ,i might have to stop at the co-op as well :cheer:
Mama 2 Be said:
Girls take cover I think Chopsie's gonna blow! :shock: **Runs like pheobe in Friends clutching sundae for dear life!**** :rotfl:

:rotfl: I love Phoebe's run!! *Dives under the table and into the brace position* :lol:
I missed all that comotion whilst i was out home changing my trousers cause i walked over some water (which i thought) in fact it was some really smelly yukey gooey stuff that had run out of a bin, thought i'd stood on dog poo, nope, bottom of trousers had trailed on it - u'd have thought there was a smelly farmer in my office, not joking- OMG pure rotten so hada go home and change, so not amused i missed the trip to mcdonalds...

Any left overs anyone??

I just had one of the new mullerlite yoghurts - vanilla with dark chocolate sprinkles ----oooh it was delicious - anyone tasted???..will have to make do with that for now.
Aww that totally sucks, dog pooooo :(

Mmm, i love mullerlite, havnt tasted that one though! Because you've had such a bad day, you can have my mcflurry, and a couple of fries.
Loulabele said:
I missed all that comotion whilst i was out home changing my trousers cause i walked over some water (which i thought) in fact it was some really smelly yukey gooey stuff that had run out of a bin, thought i'd stood on dog poo, nope, bottom of trousers had trailed on it - u'd have thought there was a smelly farmer in my office, not joking- OMG pure rotten so hada go home and change, so not amused i missed the trip to mcdonalds...

Any left overs anyone??

I just had one of the new mullerlite yoghurts - vanilla with dark chocolate sprinkles ----oooh it was delicious - anyone tasted???..will have to make do with that for now.

That sucks I hate smelly bin juice! :puke: :puke:

Well there's no apple pie's left - Chopsie saw to that :rotfl: But there is a cold Double cheeseburger, 3 veggie burgers and about 50 slices of gerkins that people have thrown out of their burgers - any good? :lol:

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