Obsessed already!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Hi everyone!

I've been TTC for almost 2 weeks now, and I'm totally obsessed! I am going to start trying tonight (although I know I'm a bit early) but no idea when OV days are though, so going to BD every couple of days, and keep everything crossed!
A good idea is to BD every other day. That's how I conceived my girls. Have you thought of buying some OPK's?
good luck

id buy some opk's to pinpoint ovulation
Don't worry, i'm the same obsessed already and i only came off the Depo Dec 22nd! - I've been waiting for something to happen since so i can understand my cycle!

Fingers crossed for you, all the best :)
Thanks for the replies everyone. :)

I am going to pay close attention to my CM, and I may also get some OPK's from ebay as well! Don't want to become too obsessed, I'm bad enough all ready!
I just ordered some OPK's and some sensitive pregnancy tests too!
SpaceAngel said:
I just ordered some OPK's and some sensitive pregnancy tests too!

Lol! I've literally just ordered 20 OPK's from ebay! Fingers crossed for us! lol
Yep!! I am supposed to be fertile this weekend so I have warned the other half that I am going to be jumping him pmsl. So far my OPK's have been negative. Not sure I want to dig around looking for my CM tho!
What?!!! No one told me about the 'digging about' part! Not sure I'm into that! hahaha
Sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend ahead :wink:
Hey, I'm only on month 1 and I'm obsessed, its a nice obsessed though :D
Good luck ttc hun....fingers crossed for you!! :hug: xxx

The obsession just takes over no way it can be controlled!
also 1st month and its bloody hard!
Fingers crossed we bd at the right time but I gues syou just never bloody know!

The digging around isn't my idea of fun either! I can manage the peeing on sticks!
As far as my obsession goes I have been looking into every detail of pg even as far as the birth hehe!
Got into looking at perineal massage thinking great I don't want to tear or be cut etc etc!
Whether it was me being stupid or niave I didn't realise this was to be down internally!!!
Now its on the same lists as digging around for cm! only if necessary!

Good luck to everybody!

this is my 4th cycle ttc baby no.2 and im getting more obsessed every month!

ive got a load of opk's and a thermometer although i havnt started taking temps yet as i always wake up and see straight to summer so forget :lol:

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