Obese and pregnant


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Sep 21, 2015
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Hello dear expecting moms! We are a team of student from different professions, such midwifery, nurse, nutrition and health. We are working together in colaboration on a project which aims to help, support and empower obese and pregnant women. We are looking for a volunteers to share their opinion and own experience about being pregnant while obese. We have prepared some questions for you to answer, it will be anonymous! Thank you in advance!
Hello there, thank you for responding. in general we would like to know about your experience, everything is relevant for us. Below are also some questions, which we will apreciate if you could answer. Thank you in advance.

1. Is this you first, second, third pregnancy? What was your experience?
2. What is your experience so far regarding getting pregnant?
3. What information you find interesting when you are pregnant and obese?
4. Do you find it easy or difficult to comunicate with you midwive, doctor, nurse and so on?
5. How do you obtain the inforation you need?
6. Do you think that a webpage with information about being obese nad pregnant will interest you?
7. What would you like to find on this webpage?
8. How do you understand that the information you have found is trustworthy?
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1. Second pregnancy. First ended in miscarriage though
2. I've got pregnant easily both times only dtd once and catching both times
3. The information is fairly generic in how to take care of yourself whilst pregnant
4. My midwife is lovely and appreciates we arent all the same. Some are big some are small and thats ok so long as baby is healthy. My bmi did mean higher dose folic acid though
5. I either ask the midwife at appts or i have various pregnancy apps, ask on this forum or search on google
6. Yes
7. I think its worth seeing the difference between how obese and healthy weight can affect pregnancy and also that losing weight during pregnancy is okay. Advice on safe weight loss and how to measure it is being done safely would be good. Advice that if bmi is too high you cant have water births etc. Perhaps exercise to try.
8. Most information we already probably know but seeing it in writing is just confirmation really
1. Second pregnancy. First ended in miscarriage though
2. I've got pregnant easily both times only dtd once and catching both times
3. The information is fairly generic in how to take care of yourself whilst pregnant
4. My midwife is lovely and appreciates we arent all the same. Some are big some are small and thats ok so long as baby is healthy. My bmi did mean higher dose folic acid though
5. I either ask the midwife at appts or i have various pregnancy apps, ask on this forum or search on google
6. Yes
7. I think its worth seeing the difference between how obese and healthy weight can affect pregnancy and also that losing weight during pregnancy is okay. Advice on safe weight loss and how to measure it is being done safely would be good. Advice that if bmi is too high you cant have water births etc. Perhaps exercise to try.
8. Most information we already probably know but seeing it in writing is just confirmation really
Thank you very much for answering the questions.
Do you know of somebody else who may have had difficulties or complications during their pegnancy due to being obese
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