O/T Fluoxetine


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Hi Ladies,

This isn't my usual strand of questioning but i was wondering if any of you have had any experience with Fluoxetine (aka Prozac). I have recently been prescribed it as I have been really struggling lately with severe anxiety and depression. If anyone could tell me their experince that would be great - How long did it take to work, did you get any side effects, was it effective?

Many thanks

yep, i was on it earlier this year. takes about 2 weeks to have the desired effect. the first two weeks are more physical side-effect like yawning and gurning and tiredness! but these wear off after 2 weeks or so, around the time the mood-lift kicks in! one very annoying side effect which does not go away til u come off them is it becomes nearly impossible to orgasm, so u can get frustrated. doesnt seem to affect conception tho as i conceived on it last month. x
that's good - so it worked then? have read so many horror stories about it, am worried that all my symptoms are going t get worse before they get better.

My doc put me on these ones as she said you can take them during pregnancy, is this what you were told too?

thanks for your reply hun xxx
trixipaws said:
yep, i was on it earlier this year. takes about 2 weeks to have the desired effect. the first two weeks are more physical side-effect like yawning and gurning and tiredness! but these wear off after 2 weeks or so, around the time the mood-lift kicks in! one very annoying side effect which does not go away til u come off them is it becomes nearly impossible to orgasm, so u can get frustrated. doesnt seem to affect conception tho as i conceived on it last month. x

I was on Fluoxetine and I didn't have the same problems so you may just have been unlucky Trix (either that or I am just extremely easy to please :rotfl: )
i was on that a few years ago..it was a lot better than some of the others ive tried! i hope u feel better soon. :hug:
Nah I cudnt 'bolt my load' on prozac either...! Though on something else now that I cant spell, I dont have a problem!!

I was told prozac is the best though, easyest to come off of etc... just didnt work for me.
Im currently on these now.. Only on my 3rd week
Ive found I felt worse than I did before and struggled to sort my self out!
Im starting to feel better now though coming up to the end of week 3
Must say Trix, I havent had that problem :lol:

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