Nursery Furniture!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I am not getting it yet but my partners parents have offered to buy it all! Its the £400 set in Argos! How cool is that! I am so happy!
They were going to buy the travel system for us but we have managed to get a great 2nd hand one from a friend - its the Graco deluxe one and its in mint condition!

I am not getting the furniture till I am a bit further on, but the travel system is already at mums house (superstitious)!
:cheer: :cheer: Thats fab, no ones offered to pay for anything for us :rotfl:

We are getting the travel system this month after payday :dance:
That's really nice of them! I'll be lucky to get a baby toy off my parents. They're really stingy with money. This will be there 4th grandchild so not a big deal.

I don't know where we are going to put the baby! It will eventually share James room, (If a girl we'll have to eventually put a wall up to make two rooms) but it can't go in there initially. Our room is too small for a cot or a crib.
We'll either have to put the baby in the playroom downstairs, and make that into a bedroom, or swap bedrooms with James for a bit
Monstermunch - We have just turned our 2 bedroom house into a 3! We had 2 double bedrooms and have put a wall up in the one room to make 2 rooms. We both have lots of hobbies and nowhere to put the stuff when the baby comes so this has solved our problems too[/quote]
His parents are always like this when they are getting a new grandchild! My parents will buy us some small stuff like clothes or blankets! but thats great too! His parents can afford it mine dont have so much spare cash!
My parents have a stupid amount of money, but only because they don't spend any! They're turning into those old people you hear about with 6 figures in the bank, but never put the heating on in the winter :lol:

Sounds like a really good idea dividing the rooms up Gem. We're gonna wait till we know if it's a boy or girl first. Two boys could easily share James' room cos it's huge. We've got the shoebox, you can just walk around the bed
aww thats really nice of them ive seen the pram i want its the silver cross one its £450 and the nursery furni im gonna buy seperate as i like different bits from different shops!!!
i love the set in argos though thats my fall back if i cant get the other bits i want
manda xx
I was really worries about telling them we had a 2nd hand pushchair as they had offered to buy us a new one! My OH told them and said they if they still wanted to put some money towards something for the baby we really wanted a nice nursery. We didnt expect them to offer to pay for the whole set but they did! We were so happy because thats really helped us out!
thats great. lovely people.
i wont have much help, my mum will help with a travel system and my dad will prob buy a moses basket or cot so it'll be save save save for me lol

It sounds like a lovely gift and must be a huge relief!

I'm going to get as much as I can second hand because if we can save a little we'll be able to afford more time for me to be home with the bub. I think our parents will help a little, MIL is knitting her fingers off for a start so we should be sorted for cardigans!! :rotfl:

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