Had my 12w scan yesterday. All normal . So happy.
Had the nuchal screening. She said the measurement was in normal range. My age is 40 but 41 when baby due puts me at 1:67 and need to wait for blood results which could change everything. Ok so Just got to wait til end of Friday for them to call if HIGH risk if no call I can safely presume I'm low. Then letter next week. Feel happy but roll on Friday to truly relax.
So my q is ... When I got home I read the summary of scan from the midwife sonographer and it says crown to rump measurement 59 . something mm and nuchal translucency measurement 12.30 mm. So i googled and it seems ridiculously high??? Seems like 1.2 is normal?
Am I being stupid? Has she mistyped? Im dated at 12w3d.. Don't want to ring and embarrass myself. Does a human at hospital put your screening data together? What if she has miskeyed and i come out as high risk by accident? Aargh mind racing xx
Had my 12w scan yesterday. All normal . So happy.
Had the nuchal screening. She said the measurement was in normal range. My age is 40 but 41 when baby due puts me at 1:67 and need to wait for blood results which could change everything. Ok so Just got to wait til end of Friday for them to call if HIGH risk if no call I can safely presume I'm low. Then letter next week. Feel happy but roll on Friday to truly relax.
So my q is ... When I got home I read the summary of scan from the midwife sonographer and it says crown to rump measurement 59 . something mm and nuchal translucency measurement 12.30 mm. So i googled and it seems ridiculously high??? Seems like 1.2 is normal?
Am I being stupid? Has she mistyped? Im dated at 12w3d.. Don't want to ring and embarrass myself. Does a human at hospital put your screening data together? What if she has miskeyed and i come out as high risk by accident? Aargh mind racing xx