NSPCC baby names booklet


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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does anyone know anything about this? apparantyl the NSPCC has bought out a booklet about babys names or soemthing and its been withdrawn?????

any one know owt about it

budge x
Yeah it was a mailshot they sent out designed to look like a book of babynames, but inside were details of kids who had been killed.

Shockfactor stuff really trying to get more sponsers but they just ended up insulting and horrifying lots of people!
thanks. i just googled it and found out. i don't see what all the hoo har was about do you :? :lol:
i got one of them in the post when i was pregnant... it says there names and age and how they died :cry:
If I got that through the door it would probably be a mix of anger at being sent that and not warned before opening what it contained, and great sadness at the content.

Im not sure it would convince me to donate anymore than I already do, but I certainly wouldnt complain about it either, its the NSPCC for petes sake!
it was a shock i didn't expect to open it and it be like that... but i suppose it must work... :?
I can understand why some people would be upset.

I suppose that that is kind of the point really - we can all pretend that these things don't happen but they do.

I think sometimes the shock factor works but sometimes it turns people off.

i always find these things upsetting :cry:
omg id have prob cried for hours
i have trouble watching the adverts on tele especially of the lil boy in his cot with an empty bottle wimpering
Sarah&Braydon said:
omg id have prob cried for hours
i have trouble watching the adverts on tele especially of the lil boy in his cot with an empty bottle wimpering

I almost cry at that advert too :oops:
i also got one through the post and it made me cry but i expected it to be what it was as it was sent by the nspcc and it came with a letter asking you to donate so i knew it wouldnt be an easy read booklet. some of the stories were shocking but i suppose its really goin on out there so i dont understand why they have had to withdraw it. the booklet did come with a warning in the letter but most people wont have read the letter b4 the booklet, it should have said what it entailed on the front of the booklet. xxxx

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