Now I'm getting scared


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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All of the familiar people who have been in Tri 1, 2 and 3 at the same time as me are all having their babies.

:shock: :shock: That means it will be my turn soon and i am getting realy nervous.
I know hun, me too. Yesterday I had a couple of really painful pains in my back, the second one made me swear, lol...I thought...nooooo I want baby Dan left in there for another few weeks at least! :)
I know, its been hitting me that its my turn v soon too, scary! Funny how non-pregnant people say 'well it cant be that bad or no-one would ever have more than one baby'
Fine for them to say!! I am getting a little stressed at the size of this child and where she has to fit to get out!! lol

Sure we will all be fine when it comes to it, at least we are well informed and supported thanks to this site!
You'll all be fine :hug: Don't underestimate yourselves, you'll be amazed where you get the strength and energy from! Its awesome, look forward to it! :cheer:
Emma58 said:
All of the familiar people who have been in Tri 1, 2 and 3 at the same time as me are all having their babies.

:shock: :shock: That means it will be my turn soon and i am getting realy nervous.

me too and this is my 4th child. and seeing myself on video yesterday in soo much pain did not help. to be fair now i am close i am worrying about labour and demands of new baby. last night me and Oh just flaked out on settee kids asleep and holding hands i was like better make the most of this. i went up b4 10 as i was getting tired and fell straight asleep and really did enjoy my sleep last night. i know this wont be case soon so making most of it.

marie x
I can't believe we're almost at the end already! :shock: I remember being in tri 1 and the 12 week scan feeling like years away.

I feel like I've been pregnant for years, yet at the same time it's gone too quickly.

Have mixed feelings about reaching the end. On one hand I'm really excited about giving birth and meeting Logan, yet on the other I'm gonna miss being pregnant and having a bump.
I also know how quickly they grow up and that is scary too.

Knowing that this will be my last pregnancy doesn't help either. OH and I have agreed no more kids after this one. We couldn't afford more than 2, they're so expensive!
muppetmummy said:
I can't believe we're almost at the end already! :shock: I remember being in tri 1 and the 12 week scan feeling like years away.

I feel like I've been pregnant for years, yet at the same time it's gone too quickly.

Have mixed feelings about reaching the end. On one hand I'm really excited about giving birth and meeting Logan, yet on the other I'm gonna miss being pregnant and having a bump.
I also know how quickly they grow up and that is scary too.

Knowing that this will be my last pregnancy doesn't help either. OH and I have agreed no more kids after this one. We couldn't afford more than 2, they're so expensive!

I feel exactly the same way as you!! We probably wont be having anymore after this one. I'll miss my bump, but im sooooo excited (and scared) about labour. Like someone said to me today "whens it due?" and i said "5 weeks" and they were like "so it coupld be anytime now really" :shock: I thought, bloody hell, it could be!

And what you said about how quickly they grow up.......its sad :( Beths only 6 and shes a proper little lady now. Only seems like yesterday i was having her.... (im getting all nostalgic, lol, might have to get out someold camcorder tapes of when she was little and have a good cry........bloody hormones :x )
We're going to have babies :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
And be able to put on socks too :D
I can't wait! It seems so long away!
I'm nervous too but sooo excited. My main anxiety is that I wont have got everything that I need in time. I havent done my birth plan yet, packed my hospital bag, got blankets and sheets for moses basket or got any bottles/ feeding stuff incase I cant breastfeed. I think I will have peace when I get those things done! I might drag the OH to Mothercare on Saturday to get some of them as I dont think I can carry all of it!!!
I cant wait to go into labour as I cant wait to have my baby, but not looking forward to what might happen as it's so unpredictable. We'll be ok - Emma, we are due the same time - it's come round quickly! :hug:
We're going to have babies :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
And be able to put on socks too :D
I can't wait! It seems so long away!
I'm nervous too but sooo excited. My main anxiety is that I wont have got everything that I need in time. I havent done my birth plan yet, packed my hospital bag, got blankets and sheets for moses basket or got any bottles/ feeding stuff incase I cant breastfeed. I think I will have peace when I get those things done! I might drag the OH to Mothercare on Saturday to get some of them as I dont think I can carry all of it!!!
I cant wait to go into labour as I cant wait to have my baby, but not looking forward to what might happen as it's so unpredictable. We'll be ok - Emma, we are due the same time - it's come round quickly! :hug:
im really excited (this week, lol!!!)

its true as more people give birth you realise it actually is going to happen to you too :shock: i was thinking that exact same thing when paradysso went into labour.

like all watching kettles boil and you suddenly realise your kettle is plugged in after all :lol:
im really excited (this week, lol!!!)

its true as more people give birth you realise it actually is going to happen to you too :shock: i was thinking that exact same thing when paradysso went into labour.

like all watching kettles boil and you suddenly realise your kettle is plugged in after all :lol:
:rotfl: I love the kettle analagy!

I'm a bit behind most of you but i know how you feel! I think i'm prepared (well as much as i can be) for labour but im not sure how prepared i am for having a baby!
:rotfl: I love the kettle analagy!

I'm a bit behind most of you but i know how you feel! I think i'm prepared (well as much as i can be) for labour but im not sure how prepared i am for having a baby!

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