Now I feel terrible


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Albert just choked on the gripe water :shock:. I've been giving it with a meds spoon in two 2.5ml doses whilst sitting in his bouncer cos he hates the syringe. He took a big breath in and started choking, went purple and his eyes were streaming. I grabbed him out the chair and cleared it, it all came out of his nose and everything :cry:.

I put him on my shoulder and patted his back for a bit and he was holding on to me so tight, I don't honestly know who was the most scared. He's a bit docile now and the happy smiley boy I've had all afternoon just looks miserable :(. I don't know how else I can give it though. Can I mix it with his milk? xxxxxxx
Did you let him lap it up?

That works for us usually? Or maybe one of those dummies you can put medicine in? Or a bottle teat?
Do they lap? I've just been letting him suck it off if that makes sense. I was looking at the dummies the other day but it said 3 months and over. Suppose a week wouldn't hurt, better than a snorkel lol. Thanks hun xxxxxxx
They do lap it yes. T bird sticks her little tongue out and sucks it up :)
I put it in with Harry's milk if we don't do it with a syringe (just with a bit of expressed milk)
Off to Boots this morning to get the meds dummy.

And on the plus side the OH has woken up with an abcess, he looks like a before and after photo for a weight loss programme lol
thats what aj did the other day. worst few minutes ever. I put gripe water in his milk and it seems to still work. xx
I got the dummy but might try it in his milk first as he is still a bit young according to the destructions lol xxxxxxxx

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