Noticeable drop in boob milk :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I've had a stinker of a cold and have been pretty run down with it the past 3 or 4 days. But yesterday and today the drop in my boob supply has been noticeable. Galen hasn't really dropped a regular boob feed since we began weaning and I've not had any problems in the past two months until the last 2 days. I don't think its connected to his weaning. Meal wise he has breaskfast and tea on a regular basis now and sometimes lunch or a snack but it depends. He does generally eat well and will polish off a bowl of spag bol and a pot of natural yogurt. He normally has a big bowl of porridge or toast for breakfast.

Could it be because of stinking cold etc or just that he is going a bit longer between feeds and so my supply is dropping a bit? I need to count his boob feeds and see if we are missing one or two or going a lot longer. It doesn't feel like it though.

My main problem is by about 2-3pm I have nothing left in my boobs :( Bedtime feed tonight took both boobs and it still wasn't enough :\

Any advice? Put it down to illness? Am eating porridge for breakfast daily and drinking water.
I honestly dont know sherlock, so im not going to try and answer - but i hope your feeling better soon and your supply rises!!!
It could be to do with your cold, I suggest you express at these times to help build your supply back up along with extra oaty stuff.

But if hes going longer between feeds I would say that this was more likely the cause, if your worried about the number of feeds I would be more inclined to drop some of the food or make smaller portions, as you know breastmilk is more important at this age and food is just for tasting and fun :D
Hi Sherlock,

I noticed a noticeable drop in supply around 9 months - I had been expressing daily in the mornings for DD's porridge and needed 2-3oz and by 9.5 months, could barely get 1oz, despite expressing (small amount) at the same time daily.

From roughly 6-9 months, I fed DD 4 times a day (first thing, mid-morning snack, mid-afternoon snack, bedtime) then DD dropped her mid-morning snack around 9 months and I only fed her 3 times a day until she self weaned at 1 year old.

I did notice a huge change in my boobs at 9-9.5 months, I always seemed to have enough milk to directly feed DD her three feeds, but my boobs never felt full anymore and I would have been struggling to do more I think.

I'm not sure what to suggest as I remember this bothering me at the time, but I just wanted to let you know you're not alone! Can only suggest the age-old remedies of lots of rest, oats, plenty to drink, time with Galen etc. Good luck, and let us know how you're getting on.

Valentine Xxx
i will just add get some fenugreek its great.. i think the advise and experience from the girls is sound and i would have said the same xx hope u feel better soon.
lisa&alex said:
i will just add get some fenugreek its great.. i think the advise and experience from the girls is sound and i would have said the same xx hope u feel better soon.

I actually found Fenugreek to be a waste of money, time and it made me smell bad... :rotfl: I think its ok in the early days of bfing, but later on it doesn't seem to have the same potent effect :think: It was also responsible for weight gain... The best remedies are oats, fluids and rest as Valentine said.

I found that my milk dropped with lil miss around the 9 month mark too...without seemingly dropping any feeds. I think there must be something developmental that happens at that age... and obviously feeding a fully weaned older baby is quite different from feeding a small newborn. I have taken to having porridge every morning as a way to boost my supply... But I still always feel empty and lil miss often takes both breasts.

Also having a cold deplets your body hydration due to increase mucus production, so while I know you have incontinence issues... you might need to try and drink more. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies :)

I guess I am worried as he is a big feeder and also eats his meals. Also he is still only 7.5 months and I was expecting him to still be taking more boob feeds at this stage still.

I've been thinking about the last few days and have realised that he has dropped one feed (but sometimes has it) he is now going longer between them also and on some of them is having less than a full boob.

Atm we are following something along these lines

6-7am Wakes and has a full boob feed
9am ish Porridge or toast and yogurt (I can't get him to have a boob feed around this time now tbh)
10.30-11am Boob feed (sometimes not a full feed)
1pm ish Full boob feed (sometimes lunch or snack)
3pm - Boob feed
4.30pm Sometimes takes a small boob feed
5-5.30pm - Tea - Anything from roasted veggies to spag bol/chicken and veggies/fish pie etc followed by yogurt and fruit
7pm - Boob feed till be falls asleep or comes off and then goes into his cot

He also wakes in the night and has at least one full boob feed, sometimes two. But most nights its one, either around midnight or else 3-4am. Just something that happened in recent weeks and we go with the flow and am happy to feed him it.

Does this sound ok? I guess I need to be aware that he isn't feeding as often has he did and also that he does eat his meals up and so never needs a top up from my boob before or after. He does drink some water also at mealtimes but not a great deal. But he loves his boob feeds and so do I. But if him going longer between feeds, or feeding less is fine for him then I'll go with it. I just want to make sure he's getting all he needs from the milk feeds when he has them.

I'll keep with the porridge and drink more water as am home and the loo is nearby.

I'll let you know how things go.
That sounds good actually for his age. :) Lil miss doesn't have as many boob feeds now, but she did back then. You may find that he has started to "snack" more on the boob rather than eat.. or as I am sure lil miss does, has it for a drink, drinks all the fore milk on one boob... comes off, fusses as she did when she was a newborn for more.. I put her on the other boob and she drinks the thirst quenching fore milk on that one... then toddles off...

booby babies don't require water as much... but I find when lil miss does this... giving her some water to drink seems to settle her better.

Otherwise, I think you're doing just fine... to many people are in a rush to put loads of food in the diet but milk is still so important, and he's getting loads :) He probably is going through another growth spurt and wanting more boob.. :D but your supply has dwindled so now hes building it back up :)
Hmmmm so it seems Galen has dropped a number of feeds the past 2 days now. I am putting this down to his being poorly with a cold and cough. When he feeds he does feed well though, but during the day it is mostly foremilk he is taking, not much hind milk.

He had a huge breaskfast waking feed, porridge, another boob feed, no lunch or boob feed (didn't want it really) and then a boob feed mid afternoon. Another later on and tea. Then a boob feed a bedtime and he woke around 10pm and had a HUGE boob feed.

I'm trying to not worry but am hoping he'll pick up again with the feeding as he starts to feel better. At least I know he is getting foremilk so is staying hydrated.
Squiglet said:
lisa&alex said:
Also having a cold deplets your body hydration due to increase mucus production, so while I know you have incontinence issues... you might need to try and drink more. :hug: :hug: :hug:

That's what I was going to say.

Also, since 6 months DD has been reducing the amount she drinks and she won't eat solids so that isn't the reason. She's dropped at least one of her 6 feeds but drinks less at the other feeds anyway.
Sherlock, I know Galen has always been a big feeder and a hungry boy and that his 'normal' amount is personal to him, but that does sound like plenty of milk feeds to me, if he had dropped to two or three a day from his normal, then I'd be worried, but it still sounds like he's getting enough milk from you.

I hope you're both feeling better soon.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine :) And Squig and other ladies :)

I guess I am more concerned because of the amount he fed up till now. It really has been every 90 minutes to 2 hours during the day since he was born. So to suddenly find him going down to this many is a real surprise and one I wasn't prepared for totally. I thought he'd still be having a bit more boob milk than this at this age :? Plus I love breast feeding and he has always loved the boob :roll: He still does but far less than before. Ah well. He isn't moving over to formula so I can console myself with that, just have to get used to a lot less breastfeeding than before.

That he feeds well overnight makes me wonder why he doesn't fill up with more in the day. I guess he is too busy trying to stand, walk and motor around :lol: :roll:

Plus he really is only on 2 regular meals a day. I am sure he is getting enough so I'll try not to fret overly.

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