nothings good enough...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Like every day Ill get up around 11:30 ish, have a potter round tesco's, maybe go to my cousins and see her, then go home and sit on here or go watch tv.
Like i get bored sooo easily but im just too lazy to do anything.
I cant win really. :wall:
Ill be super bored at just watching tv, but i cant be bothered to walk into town or anything.
And atm i find it hard to sleep as i dont do much and can only sleep properly when im exhausted, like on christmas day we did loads so taht night i slepped like a log. But I swear normal people dont get this.
My nan sits and watches tv all day every day but sleeps fine :S
Well that's a bit of a catch 22 hun isn't it!

You can't really sit and complain you're bored stiff if you can't be bothered to go and do anything! In my experience, (from when I had depression and had no motivation to do anything whatsover), once you MAKE yourself start doing things, it's quite easy to get into a routine of doing a variety of things regularly.

Perhaps join an exercise class or hobby group - something you can do regularly and look forward to?
Yeah I just cant be bothered with anything. I no I should do stuff but I jst am too lazy =/
Im meeting my friend on friday, havent seen friens in like over a month :(
So ill have to get out the house for that.
Also Im staying with my cousin all this week, so Im gonan try and make an effort and like take her to the park and stuff :)
I just need something to motavate me to do stuff.
I know how you feel hun!

Try just timetabling in one thing a week to start with and build on that.
I feel the same, its not as if im to lazy to do anything, its because i dont have anythng to do. I dont have money to spend, so for that case all i normally do is sit on here. i think thats whats making my pregnancy go in slower :(
I have like £700 in my bank from my dad, but iv vowed to keep it all for the baby. So I have like no spending money at the moment to like do anything.
All I could do is wonder round the shops, but Im crappp at window shopping. Hate it :lol:
Always end up buying something.
Theres clubs I guess but I have no confidence meeting people, get to no me for a week and im fine and my usual bubbly hyper self, but put me in a group of people i dont no and I change compleatly, I have noo idea what to say and just stand there like a lemon. I hate it. Iv never even been to a house party before because Im scared to meet new people.
I no it sounds like im making excuses for myself, im really trying not to, just explaining the situation :)
Maybe you could volunteer somewhere for a couple of hours a day hun? It would make you go out and interact with people and you wouldnt be bored! I cant be bothered to do anything most days as I'm so tired but I make the effort for my daughter and we go window shopping or go visit someone or even just go to the park for 20 mins :hug:
navarababe said:
You got msn, we can chat on there or something?

[email protected]

Snuggle said:
Maybe you could volunteer somewhere for a couple of hours a day hun? It would make you go out and interact with people and you wouldnt be bored! I cant be bothered to do anything most days as I'm so tired but I make the effort for my daughter and we go window shopping or go visit someone or even just go to the park for 20 mins :hug:

Yeah I might try that :)
What volonter as in like charity shops for free?
Its really important that you keep active during your pregnancy!!

I was walking my dog 2-3 miles a day until I hit 30 weeks, and yes it was hard work but I always felt so much better after the walk, now I only walk her for about a mile a day, as my body wont let me do any more!

Have you tried going swimming or doing some form of light exercise - you might not meet many people, but it will get you out of the house for an hour or 2 and will be of huge benefit to you and your baby!

I think Snuggles suggestion of doing some volunteer work is also a great idea!

Its all about self motivation!!!

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