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tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Hi guys

I cant tell my parents about the baby, il think il wait for a few more weeks it cant do any harm. Il prob wait til i have my scan then il be able to give it to them (in a card cos almost my dads birthday). Iv gotta try and sort my boyfriend out, when i told him he went mad and is saying its not his (which it is). That is the thing that is upsetting me the most but you know what iv gotta focus on my baby not him at the moment.

Thanx to everyone who has been supportive, if anyone wants to PM me that would be great.

Take Care x x :)
Aw hun, sorry to here about your boyfriend, men can be such arses at times, try not to let him get to you, because as you said bubba is the most important thing to concentrate on at the momnet.

As for your parents, i bet they are a lot more supportive than you could imagine!!

Hi Tracey,

Don't worry about your chap, if he doesn't want to know then thats his loss, and at the end of the day maybe its for the best. Everything happens for a reason, either he'll come round and you guys can try again, or he won't in which case you will be surprised how well you can cope when you put your mind to it.

As for telling your folks, I think I said in my PM to you yesterday, just follow your heart, if they are not excited straight away then they WILL come round, who could deny a new life? As you say, at least when you've had your scan you can show them the pic, so they will be able to see their grandchild.

You'll be fine hun, and the support on here can help you through any dilemma, I beleive it, and you know where everyone is when you want to let off steam or jump for joy.

Good Luck hunny x
thanx for that hun now im just gonna concentrate on me and my baby and not worry bout him.
tracey 2 said:
thanx for that hun now im just gonna concentrate on me and my baby and not worry bout him.

Thats the spirit :hug: :hug:
sorry about ur bloke Arsehole lol. But im sure he'll get used to the idea eventually. and good luck with telling ur parents when you do xx
i totally understand what your saying he is just so not worth it, i can do better than him and do this by myself. Iv had it all as well he doesnt think it is his and everything else. Summer loves really lovely and good luck with rest of your pregnancy. x
Good luck Tracey!

Just look after yourself and your little baby :D

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