Not settling unless feeding


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2005
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I really dont want to give up breastfeeding first of all, somehow dont think formula would help.

Alex is almost 6 weeks old and has been sleeping through from his return from hospital from 10pm till 6am. Only for a couple of nights during a growth spurt at 3 weeks he woke at 3am.

I know I am producing enough milk but he onnly seems to be happy feeding. He falls asleep or comes off my breast oly for a short period at a time and suddenly its as though he is unsettled or unsatisfied. The only time through the day he will sleep is when he is out and about.

I have been told he might not be getting enough 'richness; from my milk and to maybe try a 1/4 rusk??? in with his milk to make it fuller???

I havent tried anything else yet accept from feeding him again. Twice last week he was constipated and giving him water solved it and I didnt think breastfed babies got connstipated either.

Oh, and I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but he seems to have to squeezze when he is doing a poo?? as though it is hard work?

Hopefully someone has some ideas.

Vicki x
Hiya vicki

First of all...well done for breastfeeding! it can be a struggle at first and you have done really well to get this far!

Secondly, what you have described is very typical of a new baby, (and your baby is still very new)
They sometimes "feed" for comfort, and may take very little milk at this time, but they have been through a traumatic time being born, and sometimes need to suckle just because it comforts them.
By the way, adding any form of solid food, .like rusk or baby rice to a bottle is definitley NOT recommended. Don't worry that you are not filling your baby up enough, he's sleeping through so that's a good sign he's satisfied :)

Brody also needs to "push" when he poos, sometimes he even cries before and during his poo like it's a bit of a struggle.
I agree with Urchin, have you tried a dummy? Your milk will be perfect for your baby, in my opinion giving your baby any form of solids at 6 weeks is far too early and not good for their tummy's. Seren aso cried before and during a poo at 6 weeks, but she doesn't do it as much now. x
Well done for still keeping up with the breastfeeding! :D
Urchin, Beanie, myself and lots of other mummies on this forum can reassure you that you're doing great and that your baby is perfectly normal - we might even be a bit jealous that you're getting a good night sleep already!!! :| :D
Oscar also causes a bit of hallubaloo when he's doing a poo, although he is starting to get use to it and pushing less. He is also nearly 17 weeks old and I think both my baby and Urchin's baby, still uses us to chomp constantly - day AND night!!
Trust me too, your milk will be just perfect for Alex. I hear so many people say that their milk isn't strong enough.... but that's only because they don't know that that's what bf babies like doing best - clusterfeeding is so common.

I think you can relax and enjoy your baby. You've done brilliant and in a couple of months time, you'll be so pleased that you stuck it out. You should pm Lucy or Rosieroo, too - they'll also give you great advice! :wink:
Emilia xx
I'm heeeeeeeeere ;)

Ditto what everyone else has said. Ella used to get really upset when she needed a poo - she'd thrash around like mad on the boob (really sore when you've got bad nipples!). You don't need to give your baby rusk, whoever told you that is wrong! Your baby will be getting all it needs from your breastmilk. It wasn't until Ella got to about 10 weeks that her feeding settled properly, at 6 weeks he'll be going through a big growth spurt. My LO seemed on a permanent growth spurt for about a fortnight (currently going through the 4 month one :roll: ). She too would have days where she would just permanently be on the boob and I'd feel frantic, wondering if I wasn't producing enough. Alex is building up your supply by feeding so often (clever babies!).
If you are feeling stressed then that can affect your baby, when I was worried it seemed Ella picked up on it. Now I have nurse ins if she's having one of those days. I will make sure I'm eating/drinking plenty, pop on a film on and sit and let her nurse and nurse.
Things will get easier I promise. Alex doesn't need solids and if he was constipated last week then it will only make him worse. If anyone else tells you to give him rusk then give me their address!!! :twisted:

Well done on getting this far {{{hugs}}}
:D Hi

Bless you Emilia :wink:

Vicki, like Rosieroo says 6 wks is a prime growth spurt time, I remember Olivia (10.5 wks) feeding constantly around that time. If I needed a break I would pop her in the pram or car seat and go out for a while, it seemed to distract her for a wee while. I also think that Alex will need to feed more during the day because he sleeps so well at night. About the richness thing.. did that person mean the hindmilk?

He falls asleep or comes off my breast oly for a short period at a time and suddenly its as though he is unsettled or unsatisfied.
Snap! Olivia does this for most of the evening! When she comes off I think that's it I'll put her to bed but then she's grumpy and wants more food... or like Urchin and Emilia say - more suckling time.

Olivia sometimes has to push to do a poo and she does wee grunts as well :shhh:

Do you go to any bf support groups in Glasgow?

You're doing really well, and like the others say, it really does get easier

Lucy x
Hi guys,

Finally spoke to my HV and she advised that instead of offering other boob once he's fallen asleep to change him or do something to waken him up then offer the same one so he is getting lots of hind milk which is what fills him and then maybe he will sleep for longer than 10 minutes. Also not to use his swing which is all that seems to settle him and try leaving him half swaddled ( doesnt like his arms being tucked in)

I explained hes only been like this since about sat i think it was and she said its sounds like his growth spurt and he needs more to satisfy him. Hes never s;ept through the day sinnce he was born but was always content. That doesnt bother me as he goes 10 till 6 and has done since the start.(apart from his growth spurt)

Thanks for all your help guys.

V x

p.s have recently looked to maybe joining a support group or something so i aint so alone with these matters lol
Why not put him in the swing??? Charlotte is often in her's and if i cant settle her, which is the majority of the time, i pop her in there and she's settled in seconds!
Then Alex would associate being sttled with being swung and I would prefer him to settle on his own than having to rely on things. I think the HV may have advised that also because she knows I dont want to give him a dummy either. Would hate to find the day when we're fighting to get it off him! lol

Suppose it wouldnt suit all people I would just prefer a baby to settle naturally. Matetr of opinion I suppose.
I didn't want to give Ella a dummy but I cracked at 7 weeks :lol:

She barely uses it now, maybe once every week to help get her down for a nap :)
I know some people dont have a problem getting dummies back off their LO's but a few people I know still cant get them off it at almost 3yrs and totally puts me off it. Just waiting on this stage to be over and into more of a routine. Alex never seems to settle himself using his hands or anything either so ot sure a dummy would really be worth it anyway.
Hi guys,

Thanks everyone for their advice. Looked around for a bf support group and finally called the Glasgow La leche leader Susan Miller who was a wonderful help. Turns out after describig all his symptoms to HV and doc etc that he has colic. Susan Miller after hearing of only 2 of Alex's symptoms rhymed off the rest and informed me its my ''let down.' I have apparently large stores for my milk and with Alex going from 9.30 till 6.30 now I have been able to store all that milk, so when he latches on for a feed the let down is too fast and he is gaspinng to keep up with it.

Now I have to express a little until the milk slows down and Alex has to work for it and not scosh it over his face as such.

Also got some Infacol in the meantime to help him pass wind.

Everything together has bee a great help and now Alex is back to his happy little self. Ok he still likes to feed a lot through the day but who cann complain with a baby that is happy and sleeps right through!

Thanks for your support guys, if us new mums didnt have people like you then I think more of us would give up when we didnt have to!
Hi Vicky

I also contacted Susan (I called the LLL and the phone went through to her) and went to their meeting in March, I missed Aprils due to us having visitors.

Are you going to go along to their meeting in May? I think it's next Tues.

Hi Lucy,

Yeah I am. Susan sent me through literature to read through and also directionns on how to get there so planning on going. Havent been to any other classes or anything though.

Are you going too?

It is on tuesday
Hi Vicky

Yep I'm going to pop along on Tues, they're a nice bunch of ladies there although from memory their babies are all 8 months plus except a girl who had a wee boy who is 2 wks older than Olivia.

See you there


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