Not "feeling" preggers... :-(


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Hey Ladies,

Just wondering if any of you had this in between stage?

My MS has well and truly stopped thank god and has been replaced with on and off indigestion, my bb's have stopped hurting and I swear that my tum has got smaller!!! :shock:

I'm sure I'm being totally paranoid but now that all symptoms are gone I'm starting to feel like I was before I got preggers.....

Have any of you had this stage? My next MW appointment is not until May 23rd too so I feel like what if I'm going around like a muppet for the next 6 weeks and then the baby is not in there!!!? I know it's silly but I feel so normal now and it's getting hard again to be excited as I cant feel anything...and some days I feel like I am kidding myself even though I saw a healthy little bubs in there only 3 weeks ago at my 12 & 4 scan.....

I'm terrified of buying anything "just in case" just wondering if I am alone in this, or if anyone else went through a phase like this either around the same time as me or is going through it now? I'm wondering will it seem real again as soon as I feel it move or maybe at my next scan at the end of May.....

Am I normal or a paranoid freak?!! :rotfl:

C xxx
Hey cleo, your post made me laugh, not because it was funny but because you described me exactly when I was exactly at your stage!! I just remember feeling like I was in limbo, like I had to wait for ages for next MW appt, next scan, until I'd likely feel baby kick, until I got a proper bump and people noticed, etc etc etc.

have some :hug: :hug: it's perfectly normal, I dont know many people who didn't feel like they were in limbo at some stage. I came out of it after about 3 weeks, I started to feel flutters and the bump started growing properly so only people who knew I was pregnant noticed, but it was nice to have comments anyway.

HTH :hug: :hug:

Hello - I can TOTALLY identify with what your're feeling. I'm fine now as am feeling movement but a few weeks ago I went through a stage of feeling massively 'normal'. I missed those early symptoms which confirmed there were lots of hormones running wild inside!

My sister lent me a heartbeat monitor and that reassured me through those weeks, and still does. I would recommend that you invest if you have about forty quid to spare, then you can reassure yourself every few days that bubs is still in there and ticking along nicely. DH kept saying to me, where do you think he's gone? He MUST be still in there! :lol:
Yep, felt exactly the same. This is very common at that stage when things quieten down and nothing seems to be happening. All I've had as symptoms is tiredness and backache and if I managed to get through a day without needing a nap I panicked! Just try to relax and enjoy it cos it will no doubt kick back in!
i felt the same, but as i was still hormonal and always needed to go to the toilet i knew i still was.

I am sure there is at least one little thing that is different to ebfore you were pregnant so hold onto that for reassurance.

I had two or three weeks when i was at your stage where I really started to doubt whether I was still pregnant at all... My MS had gone and I felt just like I did before I was PG...

relish it, now I can't sleep or sit comfortably and walking feels like someone is trying to crack my pelvis open!!!!

I posted something very similar in 1st tri just last week. Most of my symptoms have completely gone now or they are very sporadic to say the least and if I don't have symptoms I feel exactly the same as i used to before I had my BFP....

Unfortunately for me I haven't even had my 12 week scan yet (it's tomorrow morning) so I'm half worrying myself silly thinking that I'll look like a muppet and they'll tell me there's nothing there!

Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will have seen my little bean and all will be fine and well. I should just be thanking my lucky stars that I'm having a relatively easy pregnancy!!
ABSOLUTLEY! I felt like this LOADS! And still do sometimes, but have the little one man football match starting up from time to time to let me know the little man is in there! x
Hey hun :hug: I hope you're feeling better after the tough time you've had with decisions and hope everything else (other than the pregnancy) is all working out for you.

Anyway, I went through a similar thing of not feeling connected. It wasn't so much my symptoms, because they seemed to go a lot earlier (about 10 weeks) but a whole new lot started (which is starting to happen to you by the sounds of things!) I just felt like I was carrying someone elses baby which was really odd. It lasted about 2 weeks then I was fine again!

As soon as I found out she was a girl, I instantly felt connected and now I couldn't imagine my life without her and she's not even here yet!! Crazy how pregnancy and hormones work :roll:

You'll more than likely be starting to feel flutters and things soon and you'll "feel" pregnant again :D xx
I had no symptoms from about 8 weeks and while it was nice to not feel nauseous, I was beginning to doubt I was still pregnant. I didn't get my dating scan until 15 weeks and so it was really difficult to stay positive. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I was absolutely exhausted most of the time and I guessed that couldn't be normal.
Sounds pretty normal to me, I felt the same at about the same point and if you do a search on my name it will come up with a post where I complained because I had no morning sickness, no sore boobies, no dizzyness nothing and felt totally un-pregnant. I still feel pretty un-pregnant other than the fact that bump is a live wire and kicks constatly to remind me that in fact yes I am pregnant. I certainly don't feel 5 months pregnant and everybody keeps saying I don't look pregnant at all which sucks. My bump seemed to show at the early stages of pregnancy and not seems to have slowed right down although i'm starting to walk like a waddling duck.
bowmanzoo said:
I certainly don't feel 5 months pregnant

That's because your SIX wonderful months pregnant!! :cheer: Woo hoo!! Do you feel a bit further now?! :lol: xx
i often dont feel pregnant, think the only day i did was at our 1st scan when we found out we were 13+2. Im now 17+3 and back to not feeling preggers, just fat due to the weight ive put on.

Youre not alone :)
I had that kind of recently then almost overnight I started to LOOK pregnant... Or fat, if you read my post from today. Ha. I definitely feel pregnant now and I am sure you will soon too. :D

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