not eating enough


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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hi everyone looking for some advice little christopher is not feeding well and hasnt done since he was born he is a happy healthy content baby who just wants to sleep the trouble is he has lost 10 and a half ounces since birth and is struggling to regain :(
the midwife is not too worried at moment but i obviously am :(
most feeds he only takes about 2 and a half ounces and then we cant get any wind up at all we have all tried including midwife and she cant get any off him either he simply refuses to part with it trouble then is he thinks hes full :( but hes full of wind ive tried infacol in the hope that might help him burp but we are now at the end of the bottle and nothing
the wind is not bothering him at all he is in no pain with it just thinks he is full and goes back to sleep im now getting really worried after all weve been through i really dont want him to get poorly cos hes not eating :(
hes due to be weighed again this morning and im really hoping for at least a little weight gain :pray: any advice would be really appreciated xxxxxxxxxx
awww hun try not to worry too much, why dont u try some Dr brown bottles, i have read some amazing stories about these bottles, they cost £10 for 2 from boots so abit expensive but if they work well worth the money :hug:
My cousins little girl was the same Rach and and she ended up mixing a dose of gripe water into her bottle. She would feed her half the bottle wait a few mins then try to burp her. It normally worked and then she would give the other half of the bottle. I have to add though she only did this in one or two bottles a day but it was a HV who suggested it too her.
awww Rach try not to worry hun, my mum told me i didnt part with my wind as a baby either some just dont want to give anything back. What about the colief drops the HV can prescribe them I know Christopher isnt suffering from colic but sometimes it can help bring it up, its normally 9.99 but your can get prescriptions for it
thanks for your replies everyone christopher was weighed yesterday morning and has finally put some weight on :D he lost 10 and a half ounces in total but has now regained 5 and a half ounces
the HV came yesterday afternoon and has told us that he is sleepy and reluctant to feed due to the jaundice but he should improve as the jaundice clears she has also told us to put him on faster flowing teats to try and get more food down him before he falls asleep and not to worry about the wind unless it bothers him so all in all a bit happier today :D xxxxxx
great news rach :cheer: you could try pulling bubba legs up to the chest to help relieve wind too it really helps :hug:
just a little update the faster teats worked :D he now drinks 3 and a half to 4 ounces every 3-4 hours through day and had regained his birth weight by friday :D so he lost 10 and a half ounces in 1st week and put on 10 and a half ounces in 2nd week :D due to be weighed again 2moro by HV so hopefully he will put on another pile of weight :D thanks for your advice everyone he is now bringing up a little bit of wind now hes eating more but still not parting with much but its still not bothering him so HV told us not to worry about it xxxxxxxxxx

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