Not been here for a while but...

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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....I'm still here. Still not pg, still no AF, had a BFN on Saturday. I dont even feel like AF is coming, in a way I wish it would come so I can feel normal and like I have some chance of becoming pregnant. I bought a thermometer and started charting so I have some idea on whats going on :roll: but I don't hold much hope for anything really. I just don't think it will happen to me.

See ya'll soon, have lots of reading to do
:shock: @ long cycle!

Nice to see you back :wave:

Were you on the injection before TTC?

Ooooo & if your charting & use Fertility friend you could come join us on the charting thread :cheer:

Don't give up hope IT WILL HAPPEN :hug:
^^ i was going to say that about charting!!!

thats such a long cycle!

I was shocked when i saw yours jayceesmamma... i thought mine was long!!!!

I was shocked too!! im still waiting for my AF after stopping pill! last one was 29th May! its nice not to have the unwanted visitor for a few weeks..but after a while u wonder if she's gotten lost on her way if u know what i mean?! I'll tell her to remember the breadcrumbs next time i see her!! -If i do, that is!
I was on the oral pill before TTC. Took last one on 10th May, had normal pill AF for 5 days but nothing since, not a sore BB, cramps, nothing. I was put on the pill when I was 16 cos of irregular periods, and I came off it about 4 years ago of a year and only have 3 or 4 periods that lasted about 3 weeks each :evil: most of which was the brown sticky stuff and only a few days of proper blood :oops: . Other things that make me think it wont happen is my mum was told she couldn't have kids (I'm the youngest of 3!!) and my sister had been trying on and off for 12 years. I started up on fertility friend how do I get my URL up???
Go into your chart...
then on the left hand side theres "sharing"
then go to home page set up... there you can edit the url if you want (i did)
then copy and paste it in the charting thread!!!

Woo hoo... another chart to stalk!!!

Fingers crossed and Jayceesmumma - have either of you been to the docs about your long cycles? Maybe there is a reason why they haven't shown up and your still getting BFNs.

Just curious............... :think:
I went when I came off the pill a few years ago, but all they said was come back in a few months (would have been six months after stopping pill), but AF came before that, just. I think I might go back if nothing has happened soon, but they'll probably say it's pill getting out of my system. then I'l feel like I've wasted their time.
Few years? How many? An how many periods since you came off?

Looking on what you said so far stuff wasting their time, I don't think you will be!!!
Its 10 minutes out of their day and peace of mind for you so its worth a visit for a check-up. Thats what we pay taxes for and your entitled to go!
Alicebabe Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 21:31 pm Post subject:


Fingers crossed and Jayceesmumma - have either of you been to the docs about your long cycles? Maybe there is a reason why they haven't shown up and your still getting BFNs.

Just curious...............

Well i may not have ovulated last month resulting in no AF so must just be getting used to no pill... im getting positive OPKs so i must be ovulating, therefore F on her way!
I was put on pill at 16 for irregular AFs and came off 3 months before i fell PG with Jaycee, i went back on it a few months after i had her. shes 2 now..
Wishing you the best of luck Fingers crossed!!

Remember, Positive Mental Attitude!!! :wink:

Don't worry about feeling like you are waisting anybodies time, you deserve to know, that's what they are there for!

Good luck hun xx

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