
Awwwwwww Nik, sorry to hear that LO was playing up and being a tinker!!! Is there nothing they can do then if baby has legs crossed, like poke it or get it to move? At least its healthy and happy and when you give birth what a fabby suprise you will have! Can you find out at 4d what sex bubs is or not??

Congrats to you Madmish, were you hoping for a boy or not worried?? Fantastic, all this news makes me wanna know the sex of my baby now!! :wall:
JaidyBaby said:
Awwwwwww Nik, sorry to hear that LO was playing up and being a tinker!!! Is there nothing they can do then if baby has legs crossed, like poke it or get it to move? At least its healthy and happy and when you give birth what a fabby suprise you will have! Can you find out at 4d what sex bubs is or not??

Congrats to you Madmish, were you hoping for a boy or not worried?? Fantastic, all this news makes me wanna know the sex of my baby now!! :wall:

The lady poked and prodded but no way was babs gonna open them legs :shakehead: :lol: ,they can see on 4d scans but it's gonna cost £230 :shock: ,might wait for a suprise :D xx
oooooohhhh loadsa money, think of all the baby things you could buy with that... (or perfume, make-up, chocolate :cheer: )
JaidyBaby said:
oooooohhhh loadsa money, think of all the baby things you could buy with that... (or perfume, make-up, chocolate :cheer: )

Exactly hun :D xx
i have seen the scans (4D) on ebay for about 40-70 quid, but i think it depends on where you live.
nikki i think you will have a lickle girl! got that feeling hehe
don't say that hun i already have 2 :lol: ,no i will be happy whatever, just glad that babs is ok :D xx
same boat as me too nikki i cudnt find out eithern coz LO had knees up:) little monkeys
Nikki, the only times I've heard babs have had their legs crossed they have been boys, cheeky monkeys :lol:

Have you a Babybond near you, they do a sexing scan for £75 :)
littlelady87 said:
same boat as me too nikki i cudnt find out eithern coz LO had knees up:) little monkeys

I thought that's what happened to you hun,here's looking forward to our suprises :D xx
skatty said:
Nikki, the only times I've heard babs have had their legs crossed they have been boys, cheeky monkeys :lol:

Have you a Babybond near you, they do a sexing scan for £75 :)

That's good to know hun,fingers crossed,i have looked into having another scan,but i reckon i will wait and see what i have on the big day :dance: xx
my third had its legs crossed and she was a girl :rotfl:
i think you'll have a boy though nikki - i hope i do too but its not the ned of the world. :pray:
i still really wan to find out but i cant afford that kind of money:( i guess i willl just have to wait
budge said:
my third had its legs crossed and she was a girl :rotfl:
i think you'll have a boy though nikki - i hope i do too but its not the ned of the world. :pray:

Trust you hun :rotfl: ,you are right though it's not the end of the world,can't wait to meet him or her :D :dance: xx
i know but its true! i really wanted to know the sex of my third but she had her legs crossed so tightly.
littlelady87 said:
i still really wan to find out but i cant afford that kind of money:( i guess i willl just have to wait

Same here chick,i was really thinking about it but would rather spend the money on the babs :D xx
Ive got a feeling nikki and budge will be having boys...
dunno why... guess I can just picture you with boys.

Hopefully you have a strong feeling im having a girl lol :)
yeah me too, it wikll make the birth even more special:)

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