Night trouble


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
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Anyone else having problems with their LO's sleeping?
E is usually asleep for 7pm but last few weeks she refuses to go to sleep even if she is tired. We usually try to wait till she has starts drifting or has gone asleep before we put her in her cot but we have tried everything lately....from putting her in her cot wide awake and ignore her crys to laying down on our bed with her but even if she starts drifting or goes to sleep she just randomly wakes herself up and is wide awake.

Friday I was at work and werent very well and got told she was still awake, I managed to leave work a bit early got home at 10pm she heard my voice and went straight to sleep. Didnt help my OH though as he hadn't ate as she was so stressed for some reason she wouldn't sleep and he had to be up at 3am for work :(
I thought it might have been a phrase she was going through as she sometimes does but its been a while now and I don't know what to do.
Any ideas ore anyone's LO's doing this too?

We do keep to the same routine so it can't be that.... xx
My LO is about 3 weeks younger than yours and she's doing something similar. The last few weeks she's been waking up at random hours and Ive been up with her from 4am a fair few times.

She used to sleep 7pm-6/7am but she was going from 8/9pm then waking a few times in the night and up from about 4am :( BUT! Now I put her down at 6pm and she's started sleeping until about 6:30am. She woke up last night a few times but since I moved her bedtime forward she's been a beautiful sleeper again.

Have you tried moving your LOs bedtime forward? I read something about putting them down to bed 12 hours after they wake up and tried it and it worked! Could be worth a shot. :hug: Its awful when you all can't sleep properly
Yes I'm with you too! My little girl is also 1yr and 2mth and we have always been very lucky with her sleeping through the night, but for a few weeks now, she has been really unsettled and I have also had the occasional sleepless night too. I was begining to get to the end of my tether when I noticed a big fat molar starting to poke through, so I have been rubbing teething gel all around her gums before bed and it does seem to help! Not sure whether it is a phase too though or whether she is just a drama queen with her teeth!!
It must be something quite common around the 13/14 month mark! My LOs just had 2 molars pop through and the bottom ones are starting to peek through as well! Poor things
Thanks for the advice girls.
E has never been a sleeper if I'm honest, but think when she got to 9 months there was a time when after you put her down she would mumer/wake up alot but go to sleep even if you had to go into her.
And she doesn't have long sleeps during the day. I hope she gets more sleep soon as its not good for her as she definately not getting her 10 hours poor baby and we are getting knackered too

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