Nice things


Not ONE baby panda? I won't have it.

Bless Missac - your neighbours must see him going out and coming back with loads of chocs and think - the greedy monkey :rotfl: :rotfl:

One of our neighbours collared Chris coming back with a box of beer the other night, and said to him "every time I see you you're carrying a box of beer" he came in thinking that the nieghbours think he's an alcoholic!! Hasn't bought by the box since :rotfl:

Some cute pics too:


i would love a baby panda, maybe after the baby is born i will work on dh!! We would be called amanda and panda!! (which is better than amanda the panda which is what i got at school!) Ooh and by the way y'all can call me Mand xxx
lovin the sprawled kitten em!!

I think our spa is suspiscious!! he gets sent out for various things and bless him always goes because when we were firsst together I asked him ifhe would go out at two in the morning when i was pregnant and get me stuff and he said yes so he sticks to it!!!
Well in that case he made a rod for his own back - :rotfl:

Chris says to me, I'll go if you really want me too, then looks at me with these big brown eyes and i say 'oh, it alright don't worry' :wall: Them eyes get me everytime!! :lol:
the trick is not to get eye contact, especially with me otherwise he would see the laughing glint in my eye!!!

Cassi Sweep is a very cool name for a pet!!!

Well all you lovelies, I'm off - nighty night - peace & love to all x :hug:

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