next sale ?? is it worth the early start?

im tempted :oops: coz OH gets up for work at 5 and they boys baby stuff goes so quick :( i love next :lol:
Hmmm I am tempted but 5am is sooo early! Do you think it will still be worth it at 7? I only want some sleepsuits for Eva as they are such nice quality from there...and I might look for myself too :D
Next isn't really my cuppa tea, but my auntie goes, and in Boston they're queued outside at 4am!
Dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing but since this was posted I thought ''oh yeah I better log in to my next account and pay up'' - I usually do it on payday - mon - but forgot so I did and waitng for me was a.............VIP INVERTATION :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Never had one before! Gutted I didnt log in mon/tue though or would have had loads more stuff but their is still a ton left - I wanted lots of 18-24 mts as thats orans next size but mostly 12-18 left and in reality he has enough - however lots of kids in the faimily so you know what their getting for Christmas lol

I emailed OH and said ''blah blah next sale you need owt, I might treat you'' and he goes urm.......................I need a couple of suits, some work pants, a couple of going out smart jumpers maybe 3 or 4, urm...oh some work shoes & a couple of belts, is that enough or can I get some more :rotfl: :rotfl: who is the woman in this relationship!!
jennywren said:
I emailed OH and said ''blah blah next sale you need owt, I might treat you'' and he goes urm.......................I need a couple of suits, some work pants, a couple of going out smart jumpers maybe 3 or 4, urm...oh some work shoes & a couple of belts, is that enough or can I get some more :rotfl: :rotfl: who is the woman in this relationship!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

My OH would just say no.
I didn't get an email this time about the vip slot :x

However I signed into my account and was able to book one :D mine's is for tommorrow.
Foxxi said:
Whens the Next sale on??? :think:

starts sat 5am

My time slot is tomorrow so Ive been making lists all day of what to get - just checked now and half of its gone already - mostly the stuff for little dude, barley any 12-18 or 18-24 stuff left grrrrr, if only id have checked on monday FFS

Oh and checked out the new stock in the catalog and the kiddies stuff is lush again!
I checked online to see if the stuff I wanted was in stock anymore and apart from 2 things it had all sold out in every size except 18 months-2 years. No point bothering as they don't have anything I want or will want to put Galen in. I did also phone to double check the stock and again zip. My mother was passing the big Next store near her so I asked her to go in and see if what I wanted was in store also and again nope, not a thing there.

I ordered what I wanted via phone at full price to be sure of getting it in the sizes I wanted. Arrivaed last week :)
at the rate cadens growing i cant keep up with clothes :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Gem & Leland said:
as above , is the next sale worth the early start :shock: is it something u should do just once lol

and who buy next years summer stuff ? as i take it thats what will be in sale ? and how do u guess what size to get ???

who's gonna be mad and be at there local at 5 am !?????

In a word..

Did my slot - I guess its a good job that over half of the things me and OH wrote down last night were sold out already as just spent £250 :oops:

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