I'm new to this too. Came off the pill in May, had one natural period which followed a 34 day cycle :O I always used to be 28 days before my first child but hey, maybe it's old age setting in ; )
Anyway, I'm 34 and my son, Bailey, is 2 years and 1 month. I'd love a brother or sister for him. I have been using Ovulation tests this month and am fast becoming obsessed with POAS! I was a bit hit and miss with it last month but have been testing several times a day this month and apparently yesterday was my O-day. I have been getting more and more stronger lines on the tests but nothing as dark as the test line. Been keeping hubby busy the last few nights so we don't miss that egg! I have PCOS but anything can happen as our son was conceived a lot quicker than I expected and I thought my friend was being silly when she told me to take a test. I was like 'No, I'm only 4 days late and I'm just tired from school and my boobs are sore probably cos I'm due on or something. Duh! BFP followed. Hoping it's just as quick this time but I'm going to enjoy the journey with all you girls on here.
Good luck KerryAnn