new to ttc


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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i hear people keep talking about charting and urchin mentioned i should start but im clueless, so im asking you lot to help me out.

is there a website available to chart on? not really sure what i need to ask so dany info would be great.

ive brought some ovulation strips and pregnancy strips, but my cycle is all over the place, my ticker is saying one thing and im thinking another, i thought my AF is due tomorrow?

Thanks in advance for any help
Hi! Welcome to the forum. I have been off and on it for over a year now and love it. I live in the US...and still use this forum because the people are so amazing

To chart your cycles you can use You get a free 30 day trial. They will email you everyday for 20days to learn how to chart. The basics are to make sure you use a Basal Body Temperature Thermometer (sometimes called a fertility thermometer) You can purchase them at any high street drug store or pharmacy (such as boots). Make sure you take your temperature before you get out of bed and make sure you have a full three hours block of sleep before temping. Sometimes I wake a few times in the wee hours of the morning and roll over or adjust my pillows, but still temp when the alarm goes doesn't seem to bother my temp, just make sure you do it before you get out of bed, and try to do it at roughly the same time everyday. (I make my husband nudge me when his alarm goes off and he tells me to temp).
You should see a significant increase in your waking temp when you have ovulated. Unfortunately there isn't a warning in your temperature readings when you are about to ovulate and are the most fertile, the temping just lets you know you have ovulated. You should check your cervical mucus, cervical position, and use your OPKs to tell you when you are about to ovulate.

Sorry if you already know some of this information... it's just all the stuff I read up on or learned on this forum when I started to try and figure out my cycles.

Good luck for July... maybe you haven't started when you thought this month because you are already pregnant and you won't have to fuss with all this ttc mess!!!! :pray:

Thanks ladies, ive joined fertility friend, and im about to go in search of a Basal Body Temperature Thermometer.

ive tested this morning and got a BFN
Hello Paraydysso its me!!!!

I got my thermometer off ebay dirt cheap, i got another BFN last night as well but no af!
kellysomer said:
Hello Paraydysso its me!!!!

I got my thermometer off ebay dirt cheap, i got another BFN last night as well but no af!

hello kelly!!!!

hope u get a BFP tonight then! im sure i will catch u on msn later :lol:
Wont be on MSN as working until 9pm, and its soooooo quiet!!! Boring! :x

Not testing tonight as had BFN now and getting diheartened and its expensive with all the tests. Willl test at weekend if still no AF!
kellysomer said:
Wont be on MSN as working until 9pm, and its soooooo quiet!!! Boring! :x

Not testing tonight as had BFN now and getting diheartened and its expensive with all the tests. Willl test at weekend if still no AF!

can u not get on web messanger? try it...

i thinking the same thing regarding price of tests, i may not test today. but ive got no signs of AF but no signs that im pregnant.

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