Hi guys....
Im new to all this parenting thing...
Me and my partner have been together for just over 2 years now
I really love her to bits!
We have had one miscarrage this year, but now we are expecting again!
I dont know the first thing about being a dad! it does worry me a little....
My little brother has a baby too of 18 months....
I see my brotherevery week so have picked up on a few things....
Im sure that once the baby arrives then I will pick it up quite quickly....
Im new to all this parenting thing...
Me and my partner have been together for just over 2 years now
I really love her to bits!
We have had one miscarrage this year, but now we are expecting again!
I dont know the first thing about being a dad! it does worry me a little....
My little brother has a baby too of 18 months....
I see my brotherevery week so have picked up on a few things....
Im sure that once the baby arrives then I will pick it up quite quickly....