New (ish) with several questions!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Hi all, some of you may recognise the name from several months ago...i gave birth to my baby boy nearly five months ago now...gosh how time flies..

Well, firstly congrats to new pg people and hello to those i have spoken to before...also i pass my condoloncies to all those who have lost children before and after birth - you are all extremely brave people

Well, i have quite a long winded question for you, have some back ground first..

About nine weeks ago i had an accident with my partner and took the morning after pill (my son was concieved this way), a week later i started taking the combined pill and have blead normally when i am supposed too. When i was newly pregnant last time i suffered with not a lot apart from excruciating headaches which do not go away - these have recently come back, i also suffered some stomach cramps in the middle of a pack about 7 weeks ago which felt a little like implatation...

I did a test about two weeks ago which came back negative although it took a little while to work so i'm not sure if it was a dud test

I suppose i need to know if anyone has been pg on the pill and still blead normally or if anyone knows if it's possible..i know i need to do another test but i am a little scared as my son is only nearly five months and i'm not sure i could cope with another so soon after!

Thanks for reading this long boring post - congrats on reaching the end!!

Hi Jess! Welcome back to the forum.

The best thing I can advise you to do hun is to do another test, it should definately give you an accurate result by now or go and see your GP.

I really hope you get the result you want hunny, best of luck :)
Hi hun, definitley as JaidyBaby says do another test. If it is + you will cope, the thot is daunting but it has perks-they can keep each other amused as they grow up!

Hope you get the result you want and keep us posted!xxx
thanks guys, i'm seeing the doc tomorrow so i will get him to do a test, if it is neg though i need some bloody strong painkillers for my head!!! Will let you know x
Just to let you know i did a test yesterday and it was neg but right now i am pleased, not sure how i would cope with two right now! Good luck to you all and i will hopefully be back in a year or so!

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