New Girl!


New Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hi all

I'm new to the forum and new to pregancy! Got married in November and tentatively started trying only to be successful the first time... A bit of a shock, but shouldn't have really been surprised! Am now approximately 6.5 weeks and have my first appointment with the midwife on the 12th Jan. Am looking forward to sharing my journey with you all.

Jessie x
:wave: Welcome to PF and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Hello :wave: I too conceived both my pregnancies first time of trying, it was a shock this time too! Good luck with everything, I look forward to following your journey :)
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited. I'm going back to work tomorrow after the Christmas break and I can't imagine how I'm going to concentrate... I'm 33 and I really thought that it would be a bit more difficult for me to conceive, as I've read so many media scare stories about it. Even better, my best friend is pregnant as well, so we're going through this together - we've done everything together for nearly 30 years!
welcome and many congratulations :wave:
thats wonderful you have such a close friend to share your journey with :D hope work is ok today :) x
aww welcome to the forum hun, and congrats on ur pregnany :D its all so exciting... keep us posted on how things go

good luck xx
wahoo welcome an congrats an hope everythings works out for you good luch :D x
hiya, nice to see another newby on here x
Hi all - thanks for your kind messages! rakrak, I'm due two days after you (according to my own calculatiions)!
ooh nice one! will be nice to share and compare our experiences...xx

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