Neurotic fear


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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That my waters will go but I won't know, like I will mistake slow leaking as increased dc and then baby will be at risk!

Argh damn fears

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I'm positive that wont happen, simply because the fact you worry it will means that you will be vigilant in your checks xxx
My husbands neurotic fear is that the baby will be ginger, which I find hillarious but he genuinely is worried about!
My husbands neurotic fear is that the baby will be ginger, which I find hillarious but he genuinely is worried about!

Lol I have a High chance of ginger lol we r both fair and oh is Irish only one in his family who isn't ginger

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Yeah pinky that is what I am hoping he he!

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I have a bit of an irrational fear of dying in childbirth - which I know is really unlikely but can't shake the fear
I asked mw today if I'd know if I was in labour, as have been getting painy bh and sometimes thinking what if?! Plus know sometimes water doesn't break. She said that I might not know initially, but there would come a point where I would. I wouldn't worry hun. By the time you need to know, I'm sure you'll know ;) x
I assume you have to lose your plug before you can have waters coming out? Or is that wrong?

I havent had any 'show' so I assume my waters can't get out yet?
I have no idea! Lol. My Mum told me today that she had a show with my brother and he came that day. My friend had a show about 3 weeks before her lo arrived. xx
My midwife told me that you can lose your waters without your show as it sneaks down the side before your show has come away it has just loosened a bit is how she described it to me.
My husbands neurotic fear is that the baby will be ginger, which I find hillarious but he genuinely is worried about!

Everyone kept saying to me when i was pregnant with Josh that i'll have a ginger baby... i laughed it off, then he came out with a head full of red hair! :\ wonder if bump is ginger lol x
I asked mw today if I'd know if I was in labour, as have been getting painy bh and sometimes thinking what if?! Plus know sometimes water doesn't break. She said that I might not know initially, but there would come a point where I would. I wouldn't worry hun. By the time you need to know, I'm sure you'll know ;) x

I have this fear as well - im geting so used to painful BH now - that i just carry on through them.


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