

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Has anyones nesting instinct kicked in yet?

Mine has, I continuously have the urge to clean or hoover or throw things out. I cleared out 'the cupboard of doom' today! I can now fit my Tumble Dryer in there!! :cheer: :cheer:
Lol i have always been a very tidy person but hated polishing etc. I still hate polishing but dont mind hoovering.

Glad you sorted your doom cupboard out though!!!
haha! has it bollocks! :lol:
With James I got an urge to clean like a maniac a day or so before labour, and it only lasted a couple of hours! :lol:
I expect more of the same this time, normally I only start panic cleaning if I know the MIL is coming around!
I hate tidying :oops:
My nesting is the urge to buy lots of cute baby stuff, and having to resist.
Im not domesticated that James job he does most of the cleaning :wink:
But i will get better for the baby as i want the bast for my little man.
So i will be getting the dusters hoover and sprays out to give this place a right going over when i go on maternity.
At the moment by the time ive got home from work, had my tea all i want to do it lay on the bed and do f*** all.
I've got the nesting bug already and we don't even have out own place. I keep tidying my room, despite the fact that unless we're really unlucky with a house we don't plan on being here!
Yep, i've been nesting for weeks now, I keep changing the girls room and re-sorting the toy cupboard, I've done all the kitchen cupboards and the lounge cupboard, and the back porch, sorted my photos and just have my room to do next!!!!
Nope not yet I'm afraid, I am in denial at the moment about my cupboard of doom lol!!! Tilly you can do mine if your place is all tidy now? :pray: :D
to be honest im always tidy but this week ive been on another level!! infact ive only just finished taking everything out of the bathroom, cleaning it and puttin it bk even tho it didnt really need doing, i cant stop dusting, polishing, cleaning etc
to be honest im always tidy but this week ive been on another level!! infact ive only just finished taking everything out of the bathroom, cleaning it and puttin it bk even tho it didnt really need doing, i cant stop dusting, polishing, cleaning etc
Nope :lol:

I never have time ot do anything - always at one of two jobs then have a mountain of stuff to do for school :(
LOL - yea Il offer my services as long as I get a cup of tea and biscuits :lol:

Im always tidy too so its like I have OCD now....there is no mess to tidy so Im looking extra hard and throwing stuff out I wouldnt usually :rotfl:
My nesting instinct set in weeks ago and unfortunately for my waistline manifested itself in an obsession with baking biscuits, scones and bread! I have also had to stop myself from obsessively cleaning cupboards and drawers as I want to have a BIG job like cleaning the kitchen cupboards saved up for my labour day- as soon as I know I'm in labour I will need something to distract me as those first long hours tick by!
I started knitting yesterday. The baby is due in july. So having to guess sizes, what was i thinking???? especially if i have my way and we move to australia in October/ November anyway.

Also throwing stuff/ selling stuff.

I had a little rush of tidy up a couple of months ago and again now, just got a burst of energy and I just notice every bit of dust, mucky glass, crumb from my toddler, my hubby has been given chores to help me. Had I'm not allowed to do much (maybe thats why I want all the cleanning done, while he has to do so much) :think:

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