

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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Was supposed to work 7.30-4, but when I'd got there, they'd cancelled my shift without letting me know! Unfortunately Im a bank support worker, so there's not a lot I can do about it, cept be annoyed! So anyways, I did a bit of shopping, popped into my auntie's where she was doing housework, and it gave me a bug!
Alllll day yesterday I tidied, cleaned, laundered, sorted, hoovered, everything! Am absolutely knackered today, but my whole flat looks and smells lovely! :)
Could this be the start of nesting?
If so, I'm quite liking it, and think the OH is too!
I have a feeling that I will never get that nesting thing....
I'm like this hun, my OH thinks it's really funny as I suddenly have urges where I have to get things done. The other day I decided I had to go through the first aid kit and medicine cupboard, my oH came downstairs to find plasters and bandages everywhere. I keep being told it's the nesting instinct :) xxx
It sounds like nesting to me Hun lol I had it yesterday too. Today I've been pampering myself.
I have also been obsessed with cleaning and tidying lately too more so since we moved into this new house, if something is out of place i have to sort it out there and then, if i see a bit of dirt on the wall or skirting board i have to get up and clean it there and then lol...needless to say my house is pretty much spotless too :oooo: but i dont mind, the only downfall about it is that OH and DD are constantly getting told about leaving mess, it annoys me more than ever now especially when i have just tidied round and then theres mess ten minute after :mad:

That's exactly the problem I'm finding! After I'd cleaned the flat yesterday I was well grumpy at my OH cos he'd left a glass on the side not washed up and put away, and the curtains weren't sitting right when he closed them lol Everything had to be just so! Feeling a little less like it today, but its still there. I can see a bit of fluff on the floor, resisting the urge to pick it up!
then dont pick it up hunni, best thing is wait til later to pick it up, as you will need to learn when you have a baby you cant just stop to clean get prepared for the fact you will still want to clean and can't lol x x x
I can see a bit of fluff on the floor, resisting the urge to pick it up!

:rofl: i did that yesterday, it was like something out of a western, a ball of cat hair rolling across the floor in front of me, i really did try to ignore it but i just couldnt resist, the vac was out again :oooo: hehe!

I can see a bit of fluff on the floor, resisting the urge to pick it up!

:rofl: i did that yesterday, it was like something out of a western, a ball of cat hair rolling across the floor in front of me, i really did try to ignore it but i just couldnt resist, the vac was out again :oooo: hehe!


Haha! Brilliant image there! I can see pistols at 10 paces with the fluff! Grr, ur goin dooowwwwnnn cat hair!
haha yeah it was a gonner to be fair, makes me wonder where the breeze comes from for the lil fur balls to roll along :eh: x
hmmmm I still haven't had this lol, I opened the hallway cupboard which needs cleaning out and promptly closed it again, it's one of our big tasks to do before baby comes and I just can;t be arsed lol.

OH has more of a nesting instinct that I do :(, hope it kicks in soon or me and him could be having words mainly him shouting at me.........
lol @ deedee - I've wondered this for a while! My OH just saw what we're talking about and has walked off going 'u pregnant women are nutters' lol

@ Bella - I'm sure it'll come, mine keeps coming and going I think. So cant be arsed with anything this evening! At least uve got ur OH to do bits, mine's alright but he never does it quite right lol
Problem with OH is when I clean he goes round after me and does it again and not because I haven't done it right just because he can!! .............he then wonders why I don't do it in the first place what's the blinkin point :)

Ooo, that annoys me! My partner's a builder and decorator and we decorated our flat bout 6/7 months ago, but everything I painted, he went over again! I just didnt see the point in me doing it if he was going to go over it. I asked him if I was doing something wrong, and he said no, its just habit as he's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his job. So annoying tho!
The smell of dettol and zoflora are AMAZING... So can't stop cleaning n my house smells amazing lol xx
am loving the smell of floor cleaner and washing up liquid mmmmmmmm x x x
I've just bought a steam cleaner because I am convinced that our flat is just not clean enough! Might as well enjoy it while we have the time to clean!

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