Nervous and Anxious..


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Im very nervous and anxious as a lot of people here are Im guessing.

I miscarried in 2005 twice, May and early July. Both pregnancies lasted about 6 weeks although the second one continued until 10 weeks but baby died at 6 weeks apparently.

Im now with a new partner and hoping that different genes and time will stand in my favour.

Back then I drank a lot of coffee, smoked and drank lots too on nights out etc.

These days I dotn smoke (gave up in 2006), rarely drink and have not touched coffee for weeks!

At the moment Im trying postitive thinking but its difficult. I'll have to get through, at the moment, day by day and then hopefully I can move to getting by week by week.

...still scared as anything though.

Anyone got advice?
Hi Ninny

Hope you are ok :hug: Are you pregnant now? How far along are you?

With you having a history of miscarriages, will your doctor send you for an early scan? My friend is in a similar position to you and the docs have advised her that when she catches she will have a scan at 6 weeks to put her at ease.

Every time you get pregnant it's a new egg and new sperm. You will probably struggle to relax through the 1st trimester, I know I did, but try to keep yourself as calm as possible for the sake of bubs.

Lots of hugs x
Yes Im preg now! 4 weeks and 1 day supposidly.

Im hoping for an early scan. I want to feel/be sick too as wasnt last couple times and my doctor told me it woudl have been due to not enough hormones in my body etc. So if I can get the symptoms it might make me feel more normal etc, if that makes sense.

Doctors tomorrow so I'll see....
Ive never lost a baby before but I want to wish you luck at the doctors tomorrow
hey, its normal to feel nervous and anxious i think. i'm better than i was but i'm still not relaxed about it yet, still worried about it going wrong again! dont worry if u dont have the usual symptoms either. many women dont have any symptoms! some women dont even know they are pregnant until theyre 4 months gone! and thats when most other women are feeling really yucky! so dont let that worry you :hug: xx

ejjie is right, new sperm, new egg. i keep telling myself that!
ninnypants said:
Yes Im preg now! 4 weeks and 1 day supposidly.

Im hoping for an early scan. I want to feel/be sick too as wasnt last couple times and my doctor told me it woudl have been due to not enough hormones in my body etc. So if I can get the symptoms it might make me feel more normal etc, if that makes sense.

Doctors tomorrow so I'll see....


I didn't get symptoms until about 5+5 hon and I think that is pretty normal. Speak to the docs and if they won't give you an early scan you could go private. We paid and went to babybond for an early scan. They should do it for you though because of your history. The first couple of weeks are the hardest and once you get a scan and past that 6 week barrier you will no doubt start to feel a little more relaxed :hug:
Yes i think when I get past 6 weeks I'll be a lot happier and also if I can see it on a screen with a heartbeat.

thanks guys!
I know how you feel hun. I've chilled out a little bit but when I first found out I was pregnant again i was constantly running to the loo to check all was ok!

I'm wishing the time away at the moment and would love to wake up tomorrow and it be 10 weeks on!! Ah well, just have to be patient I suppose.

Part of me is really looking forward to the scan and the other part is terrified that there'll be nothing there like last time. I suppose it's only natural to feel apprehensive but as they say, new sperm new egg!

well made it past the doc appointment so that is a milestone for me - my first m/c happened the day before my appontment.

im still taking it day at a time but been a bit happier today. for some reason, somthign feels different this time but not sure if Im imagining it.

oh well. ninny by name, ninny by nature I guess! :roll:

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