Neocate milk??


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Just wondering if anyones baby has been prescribed Neocate for cows milk intolerance? My daughter is 12 weeks old and was breastfed for the first week and then I changed to bottles and put her on Aptimel but she was constantly would litterly go straight though her and went through packs of nappies and she would bring most of it back up and after a couple of weeks she started with a rash on her face which spread to her chest and back. I took her to the doctors and they said it looks like an allergic reaction to the milk and to try a different one. I decided to put her on SMA wysoy which you can buy at the supermarket and she was fine on that however at her 8 week check up the doctor said he wasn't happy that she was having so much soya and he prescribed her Aptimel pepti but my daughter didn't like it so we put her on SMA comfort but she hasn't been 100% on it..I took her back to the doctor and he then prescribed the Neocate but I thought I would continue with the SMA comfort a little bit longer to see how she does..anyway for the past few days she has been struggling with her bottles and only wants a couple of ounces and will go about 5-6 hours between bottles..she wants to do nothing but sleep! Tonight I thought I would try her with the Neocate and she took 6oz and only brought a little bit back up! I am just scared of keep changing her milk..I don't want to make things worse and make her poorly! Do I try her on the Neocate for a week or two and see if there is a difference? It's so confusing. Thanks xx
Hey, I know you posted this a while ago. Just wanted to let you know my first was on Neocate right up until she took cows milk at a year old. Was first prescribed it at 3 months due to a milk protein intolerance. The stuff smells the worst, I would gag making up the bottles but it seemed to do the trick with controlling poop and making her happier with feeding. She's not a happy healthy 4 year old who drinks regular milk and enjoys all things dairy.

Hope that your wee one has taken to it okay and is feeling much better.

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