Need your help with weaning


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
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I'm after some advice on weaning. It's been 3 wks now since we started weaning and Olivia is now up to 3 meals a day.

She only seems to open her mouth for the first couple of mouthfuls and then she keeps it firmly shut unless she has the spoon and tries to feed herself, at which point when she opens her mouth to put "her" spoon in I quickly put "my" spoon with food on in her mouth.

I know it's early days yet but do you think I should be concentrating on getting her to know to open her mouth for more before worrying that she doesn't like what I'm offering her or do you think I should keep trying lots of different things?

If she keeps her mouth closed should I "give up" on that meal and clean her up then just try again at the next meal or should I carry on making every noise possible and choo- choo and me pretending to eat the food as well?!

I know it's supposed to be fun but it's soooo messy and she needs a change of clothes after every meal!

She does like rice cakes and toast in the morning but doesn't really eat any more of just going through the motions with it.


I would 'give up' and take it away and giver her a snack maybe an hour or so later, but nothing sweet or she'll play on it. I know this from experience lol
It's good that she is on 3 meals, are you still giving her milk with them?

She will only eat as much as she wants, Jack still does it now and i take it away from him
Lucy it will get easier with the spoonfeeding :) Ella was the same, so she was left to her own devices with finger foods. Now she is spoonfed some meal then given her own food to eat, she definately takes more.

And don't even talk to me about the mess :talkhand: It was awful at first! I don't bother with bibs, I just tie a muslin round her neck as that covers the majority of her clothes and arms!
Thanks guys, it's really hard work!

Jo - she has a bf before her meal but afterwards she's in such a mess I need to clean her first so she doesn't usually have milk afterwards.

Kina - I've been giving her some finger foods as well, in the morning she has toast with philadelphia on, at lunch she has fruit and at dinner time she has rice crackers.

She took about 4 mouthfuls of weatabix this morning then refused any more so I gave up. I'll just keep trying her with it.
She didn't eat much yesterday and she woke up 3 times in the night and wanted a bf each time so I think she's definately hungry but hasn't learnt that the food I'm giving her will fill her tummy!

Hey Lucy,
It sounds like Olivia may be happier with finger foods rather than the spoon stuff, how about trying her with more finger stuff than puree food? Charlie doesnt eat loads, and some days she will clamp her mouth closed after 2 or 3 mouthfuls, and that is that!!!! Sometimes if i take things a bit slower as she is now on 'lumpy' food she tends to eat more, i think she may just be a slow eater. I mistake it for not wanting any more, when actually she has still food in her mouth (poor chick!!) Also i have found that she likes a drink in between each mouthful, even though only on monday i was saying Charlie wont drink any or water. I decided that even if she has juice (it used to make her sick) its better than no fluids even if it makes her sick....Any way sorry i was off on a tangent!! Try giving her a drink ater each spoon ful??
Sorry not of much help. Ill catch you later on MSN xxxxxxxxxx
What about just giving her a little milk to quench her thirst and take the edge off then the food, she might be filling up on Milk

Thanks for your suggestions.

Hels - tried her with her doidy cup again today and she's definately getting better with it and took some sips of water from it. Then she took a couple more mouthfuls of food so well done on that suggestion - thank you!!!

Jo - I tried just giving her a wee bit of breastfeed before a meal but I can't break her latch when she's in full swing on my boobie so I tried leaving a bit of a gap between boobie and meal ... I think she's slowly taking a bit more in BUT she definately doesn't like carrot or brocolli so I'm just going to move on and give her a variety of things. Thanks for your help in this.

Today she chewed on a sandwich for a bit and ate a few mouthfuls of things so I feel like she is taking some food in and I do think she's better suited to Baby Led Weaning so I'll give her mostly fiinger foods but continue to sneak a few spoonfuls in of calcium rich things as I don't think she has enough milk to be honest.

Urchin, if you read this I think Olivia is taking after Brody's lead of not drinking much milk!

I am reading this hehe!

I've got Brody into the habit of having extra yoghurts and custard or breakfast cereal mixed with milk instead of milk now...Today he's had about 15 mins boob, and 4 oz of formula, the rest I have added to his meals.

Hope the weaning is comgin along OK, she'll get there :)

BTW Brody loves hot-crossed buns, they are great as finger food.
Sorry Lucy... just saw your post!

I think the girls have given you some really good tips. The BLW is best and try the butternut fritter recipe in Blackboard Specials.... Olivia will be able to squash it in her hands and hopefully, eat plenty of it too!! :wink:

Good luck!
Emilia xx
DH wants to try that recipe this weekend Emilia (he's been reading the posts for inspiration!).

Lucy - Ella really enjoys her yoghurt so that's a good way of sneaking in extra calcium. You could always get some greek yoghurt and put in some nice stewed apple :)
Thats what Charlie had for tea tonight Kina, she loves greek yoghurt!!
Sheloves cheese too, yesterday she had some tuna mashed new pots and a little cheese melted, she went mad for it!!! Lucy, she'll get there hun, dont worry!

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