Need to take friend to hospital


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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My friend just texted e asking if i would do her a favour and take her to the hospital.
She has just got back from a MW appointment and has protein in her wee and high blood pressure so the midwife wants her to go in today asap. Im picking her up at 11am and then were heading off.
The midwife hasn't told her anything, should she take her bag??? Shes due on the 19th March.

I told her i'd come on here and ask around, as she is unsure of what will happen today.
Her BF is working away so thats why i've been asked to go with her, i really don't mind though, i'm more than happy to take her and stay with her, but any ideas how long she will be there as i have Harrison to get back for?????

Sorry for asking to much, i hate to see her this scared and worried.
I do hope all's well and your friend is safe and comfortable :hug: :hug: :hug: Sending very best wishes, she's in good hands if she's at the hospital, they will take good care of her :hug:
Hope your friend is ok :pray: My friend was taken into hospital with high blood pressure about 3 weeks before her due date, turned out she had pre eclampsia and they kept her in for a week then they induced her.

If your friend has pre eclampsia they may keep her in so it's probably worth taking her bag.

Hope your friend is ok - all the best to both of you. :hug:
Thanks for the posts, it turns out my friend is fine now, her blood pressure as returned back to safe, But still has the protein but has she is due Thursday anyway they arn't concerned.
I had to take her friday, saturday morning and this morning so now when i have my scan on Thursday i will be on first name terms with the staff, i'm sick of seeing the place now.
Glad that your friend is ok hun! Hope her baby makes an appearance soon! Good luck for your scan on thursday, are you gonna find out the sex?
Oh yeah i can't be doing with surprises i cant wait to find out, although i am 100% i'm having another

well at least if here lil man makes his appearance on his due date i'll be in the hospital so i can pop in and see them.

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