Hi there,
My lo is 5 months now and LOVES her bouncy chair, she always has but is getting a wee bit big for it now.
She bounces herself with her legs so is constantly banging her heals on the plastic bit on the front (she has super long legs like her dad!). I wanted to replace it but think she will be too big for any I buy and I also think she might be getting to old for a bouncy chair anyway?
Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can replace it with? She can't sit up by herself yet and she doesn't like to be on her play mat for too long and hates tummy time so it would be good to get her something else so I get a chance to clean/ shower/ cook and know she is safe. She also loves falling asleep in it at night time and I think if I just take it off her she will be one very angry little madam! xx
My lo is 5 months now and LOVES her bouncy chair, she always has but is getting a wee bit big for it now.
She bounces herself with her legs so is constantly banging her heals on the plastic bit on the front (she has super long legs like her dad!). I wanted to replace it but think she will be too big for any I buy and I also think she might be getting to old for a bouncy chair anyway?