Need some general advice..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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I am probably going to be moving back to the UK Early next year. I origionally lived in edinburgh, so thats standing out as the most obvious choice to go back to.. I know my way around and such.. But I never really LIKED edinburgh, So I guess now is my chance to try somewhere new.. I have family in and around Swindon so was thinking of round there aswell..

Does anyone have any advice for the places with lower rent? Good public transport? Nurseries?

Doesnt have to be swindon or edinburgh! Just any advice :)
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being scottish have to go for Edinburgh - fab transport , a really beautiful city, lots of parks, open areas, although its a city it doesnt feel as such, never far from trees or grass
Does too if you live out near the bypass lol. Or morningside :P i cant think of anywhere with "community" lol
Whats rent prices like there? Ive only ever heard bad things about glasgow!
in edinburgh if you loved somewhere decent it wil be fine for kiddies. how about Marchmont? or to th north of the city near the Shore, Newhaven etc. A two bed flat including council tax prob runs at about 700-800 a month. I dont want to list some of the more undesirable areas in case I offend anyone!!
I live on the outskirts of Glasgow, in Clydebank. Glasgow has some very nice areas but like everywhere else it also has its bad areas. Clydebank is a place where everyone knows everyone else, but if you like that sort of thing. It gets on my nerves sometimes!!
I actually love that, knowing everyone bit. I have found a few 2 bed houses in Swindon for about 450-500 a month!!!! So I think thats where I will be going, Thanks though girls!
Good luck and hope you will be settled and happy there. :smile:
yes, what is about Glasgow. We live in West end near Kelvingrove park. It is nice and rent is not so expensive. There are many young families and with children. There are several nurseries in the near.
swindon is v cheap also some parts of oxford where i live on the outskirts and v cheap to and have a good rail line x

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