Need help with work/fees/benefits/life in general...


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Dec 7, 2010
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Hi, was wondering if anyone can shed any light on a few issues I have been thinking about.

Am currently 16 weeks, and need to start thinking about what to do when the little'un is born!

Both myself and my partner are at full time work at the moment (40hrs) and I am entitled to SMP. However, I looked at the cost of nursery fees in my area, and the average is £56 per full day :-O

I do not earn this in a day, and cannot afford to go back to work full time. I am very confused what I would be entitled to benefits-wise if I were to return to work part time (16hrs +/week)

Any advice would be gratefully received!
Google entitled too and go through the step by step putting in the information if you cut your hours. It'll give you an indication of what you'd be entitled too.

Does your employer let you buy childcare vouchers? If they do you don't pay tax or NI on them, so £100 worth of vouchers only costs £70ish and can then go to your childcare provider.

You'll get child benefits £20 a week as well along with tax credits, a minimum of £21 a week more if you earn less.

Hope this helps x
I'm in this boat too, and I *think* from initial investigations that if you pay x for childcare, then you get around 75% of that cost back in working tax credits.
I'm in this boat too, and I *think* from initial investigations that if you pay x for childcare, then you get around 75% of that cost back in working tax credits.

That's only if ur in the lower pay brackets. The more u earn,the less help u get wiv childcare. I only work part time and my dh is on a crap wage so we earn less than 20,000 combined so we get the higher amount if childcare.

My sister also works part tine but her oh is on a better wage prob about 30,000 combined and they only get a small percentage paid for. Xxx

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