Need Advise - Got pregnant within a month of MMR vaccine


Jan 2, 2017
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I took MMR vaccine on Aug 30 2016 in India and my last cycle was on SEP 7th.. then till Oct end urine test was negative but around Nov first week the test was positive and doctor said I am appox 13+ week pregnant now Dec end 2016.... But we are in confusing whether we have to terminate the baby or not , it looks like I would have got conceive on SEP 21 based on my last cycle.. Which is less than 28 days from vaccine date

.. As all forums suggesting women should not get pregnant within a month after MMR vaccine so please advise what are all the problems to baby and mother if we continue the pregnancy and after birth or it is good to terminate now
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I got the MMR vaccine and a few weeks later thought I was pregnant ( I wasn't ) but I was terrified so I looked online and found this.

There are no documented cases of anything happening to the unborn baby from receiving the vaccine. It's only not given during pregnancy through caution.

"Therefore, there are no safety concerns, either for the mother or the baby, when rubella-containing vaccine is given in pregnancy or shortly prior to pregnancy. Women who have been immunised with MMR or single rubella vaccine in pregnancy can be immediately reassured. Such an incident would not be a reason to recommend termination of pregnancy [8]." from

Good luck in your pregnancy! X
You're probably better off having it done just prior of conceiving than when you just had tho I think it's best to discuss this with your doctor or midwife x

Thanks many this forum really helpful... We are in the oscillation because some doctor saying it is safe and some of them saying it may lead problem to child ability in the future.. so need some more clarity

have one question.

In the link provided stating there is no known risk of MMR give shortly before conceive, that means even before 1-2 day of conceive ??? Or still we should be more precaution and think of termination as I was only 21 days from the date of vaccine and my conceive (fertile) ..
It was from 30 days prior, and DURING pregnancy, up to 12 weeks AFTER conception.

And it states even the few foetuses who were exposed to the weakened form of the virus ( from the vaccine, which showed in a blood test after birth ) had NO problems or side effects. It is all very reassuring data. xxx
Thanks ... Please correct me here ..

It means...There were no know risk found if the vaccine was given a week before or 30 days prior to the date of conceive (fertile) ???
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Thanks ... Please correct me here ..

It means...There were no know risk found if the vaccine was given a week before or 30 days prior to the date of conceive (fertile) ???
That's correct. No proven risk. The risk is theoretical. Your doctor or midwife will be able to confirm this. If not seek a second opinion before you terminate your pregnancy. xxx

I was offered the vacine in pregnancy if I wasnt immune to rubella ( there was a doupt about my immunity). I was immune thankfully so it turned out not to be an issue but they said the risk of the vacine was so low compared to the risk of rubella that they offer it and let you decide.

Its against forum rules to discuss termination because so many ladies on here have suffered miscarriages or long term fertility issues and it can be quite upsetting to read posts about termination.
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Sorry .. we were in confusion

our prayers to all mothers including me..

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