nearly had an april baby!! :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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last couple of days i have felt rather uncomfortable and heavy and achey!! so yesterday went for a walk trying to do summat, it just made everything feel 10x worse!! went to bed last nite and convinced OH to dtd (sorry tmi) then i went to sleep

anyway i woke at 11:50 with horrible pains in my back so lay there and they started to come like my contractions did with my 2nd, they were coming every 2 mins but only lasting between 20-30 seconds i was like this for an hour!! then went to the loo! got back in bed and they changed to every 3-5mins lasting a minute and god they were strong i had to really breath through them i got out of bed at 1;30am and went in the living room were they carried on, but iwas too cold so went back to bed and they carried on til bout 3;30 this morning then got further apart til i fell aleep and woke this morning absolutely gutted that it had stopped :( now im exhausted

im stil really uncofortabe and hoping things will start up again but i doubt it, as thats my luck

sorry for the moan but im a very tired hormonal pregnant lady this morning xxx
Oh Honey I know the feeling, I think we ate some bad food yesterday because I was up most of the night too with belly ache and stuff...

There is still a lot of April left to go honey you may still make it :) HUGE :hugs:

fx'd it starts up again for you, i had a dodgy feeling yesterday of sicky and evenhad a spot of diarrhoea worried me a bit just feel realy tired today and achey x
thanx hun,

just so fed up, thought that was it last nite and gutted now it wasnt, :shakehead: i think im gonna get scrubbing the floors or summat in the hope it brings it all on!!

best hing about last nite OH slept through it all oblivious to what was going on and was shocked when i told him this morning lol
Argh how frustrating, don,t lose hope, it may just be a warm up, and the real thing may be coming soon. Fx,d for you
The April bubba could still happen!

But I can easily imagine your frustration :( I would have been making sure DH stayed up with me if I was going through that!
I def know how you feel, I've been up all night with contractions. Still having them now and back pain. I think I lost part of my plug yesterday too, can't be 100 percent sure. Grrrr!!!
I def know how you feel, I've been up all night with contractions. Still having them now and back pain. I think I lost part of my plug yesterday too, can't be 100 percent sure. Grrrr!!!

its so frustrating!! thinking this is it and then nothing happens im not having contractions any more but summats definately going on everything just feels weird if you get me?? gonna pop a few more rasberry leaf, make a curry and buy a pineapple for pudding lol then will see if can pursuade OH into dtd again and hopefully getting it started

fx its not long for you either, hope we both have our babba's soon :) xx
The April bubba could still happen!

But I can easily imagine your frustration :( I would have been making sure DH stayed up with me if I was going through that!

believe me i wanted him to experience my pain and frustration, but i can remember last time i was at home in labour he couldnt stop laughing but think it was more nerves than anything so wud rather leave him asleep til i know i need him or else i wud kill him :) xx
thanx hun,

just so fed up, thought that was it last nite and gutted now it wasnt, :shakehead: i think im gonna get scrubbing the floors or summat in the hope it brings it all on!!

best hing about last nite OH slept through it all oblivious to what was going on and was shocked when i told him this morning lol

Sounds about right!!, I was up for about 4 hour sthe other morning and when I mentioned it to OH he just sai doh wel I didn't know!! he is gonna be awesoem when the baby comes lol

How are you feeling now? xxx
thanx hun,

just so fed up, thought that was it last nite and gutted now it wasnt, :shakehead: i think im gonna get scrubbing the floors or summat in the hope it brings it all on!!

best hing about last nite OH slept through it all oblivious to what was going on and was shocked when i told him this morning lol

Sounds about right!!, I was up for about 4 hour sthe other morning and when I mentioned it to OH he just sai doh wel I didn't know!! he is gonna be awesoem when the baby comes lol

How are you feeling now? xxx

typical of men eh :)

stil dont feel 100% it feels like summats gonna happen but dont know what? my body seems to have had a nice clear out today and getting twinges like yesterday so hopefuly something will kick off again, bt when it will who knows lol xxx

i wil keep you posted if anything happens but just dont put anything on fb :) xx
Ooo, *fingers crossed* it all starts up again for you! Stil plenty of time left for an April baby :)
thanx hun,

just so fed up, thought that was it last nite and gutted now it wasnt, :shakehead: i think im gonna get scrubbing the floors or summat in the hope it brings it all on!!

best hing about last nite OH slept through it all oblivious to what was going on and was shocked when i told him this morning lol

Sounds about right!!, I was up for about 4 hour sthe other morning and when I mentioned it to OH he just sai doh wel I didn't know!! he is gonna be awesoem when the baby comes lol

How are you feeling now? xxx

typical of men eh :)

stil dont feel 100% it feels like summats gonna happen but dont know what? my body seems to have had a nice clear out today and getting twinges like yesterday so hopefuly something will kick off again, bt when it will who knows lol xxx

i wil keep you posted if anything happens but just dont put anything on fb :) xx

That's fine hun, just keep an eye on it and of you are having bubba you know me number eek it's exciting this whole having babies malarkey lol :)


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