Nausea come back with a vengence!

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Why :wall: I thought I was over this part of pregnancy, was feeling fine but no, the last 2 days I just want to throw up!

Was sick once yesterday but that was it but I just want this nausea feeling to bugger off, its making me want to cry now! :cry:
aww bless you madam bully, I know exactly how you are feeling. sending you huge :hug: :hug: .
I had morning sickness until wk 15 and then was fine just a bit tired but last sunday I was sick and had nausea until yesterday. Today I feel fine again , hope it works out this way for you too. :hug:
awww hunny, sorry to hear you feel rotten. i never suffered from vomiting but i suffered from really bad nausia and sometimes i tried to make myself sick to help myself feel better but i couldnt even do that. i guess our bodies go through so many changes that we get these horrid side effects. hope it goes for good soon :hug: :hug:

how aweful hun :hug: ive only :puke: a few times but the nausia hasnt stopped this entire pregnancy .
Hope you feel better soon
hpe you feel better soon huni... im so glad i never got morning sickness...
feel sorry for anyone who has it.. big hugs
xx :hug: :wave:
Awww, I really feel for you! I also still feel sick. Hope it will go soon! Take care!
i still get occasional nausea as well. i went to barclays on monday gagging at the counter as she was counting the money!

i find it gets worse if i stress so try and stay calm honey!
Thanks guys :hug:

Felt a bit better this morning when I woke up but now feel a bit dodgy again :roll:

I just gag at really odd times, just comes from nowhere and then people look at me like I am an oddball and I really feel like shouting at them that I am pregnant, not some drunk!!
Me too, gagged so hard in the supermarket the otherday I thought i was going to vomit right there in the aisle!! I got the most filthy look imaginable from the woman standing next to me. Luckily I mananged to make it back to work, but proceded to puke well into the afternoon!! I find mine gets reall bad if I wait until lunchtime to eat, problem is we have a no food policy in the offices at work, so by 12ish i'm green again!
Madam bully I bet your having girl. Sorry your sickness has come back :hug:
Vickyleigh said:
Madam bully I bet your having girl. Sorry your sickness has come back :hug:

ooh im interested to know why u think she's having a girl?? anything to do with her sickness?

Nausea is poo isnt it madam bully, Im just beginning to get over mine and Im 14 and a bit weeks. I still get the odd day where I just feel lousy! but more often than not, Im fine!!
eat plenty of dry crackers, biscuits, toast etc.

They say you have morning sickness worse when it's a girl and from what I've read on the forum it could well be true.
For the past 2 months I have been convinced I'm having a boy and I haven't had any morning sickness at all. That's not the only reason why I think it's a boy but it makes me think though.
They say you have morning sickness worse when it's a girl and from what I've read on the forum it could well be true.
For the past 2 months I have been convinced I'm having a boy and I haven't had any morning sickness at all. That's not the only reason why I think it's a boy but it makes me think though.

i've been sick all the way through and mine is a boy

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