My Story


Active Member
May 1, 2012
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As im new to the forum (and driving myself crackers with thinking - 'what if this meant this' and 'does this mean that' etc etc) I thought i'd share my story and ask for any comments/opinions (I hope you dont mind me sharing all this)

Im 28 years old been married for 3 years and been not so intentally TTC for all of those three years. (we'd been not trying but not preventing for a couple of years prioir to that also) As nothing had 'happened' last year I was referred to the hospital for tests and was diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis. I had some ovarian drilling done and some lazer treatment on my endometriosis, I was given 6 months to try again - still no bump!

I was started on 50mg of Clomifene two cycles ago and it didnt cause me to ovulate :wall2:

The following cycle I was given 100mg of clomifene and my day 21 test showed my progesterone levels as being 137 - which im told indicates that I ovulated last month :dance: I was over the moon to hear this and couldnt contain myself and went straight out to buy a pregnancy test, I was over the moon to get a faint positive, I did lots of reading on the web. the following day I did another test which was negative, subsequent tests have also been negative.

So 2 weeks back I began my third cycle on Clomifene 100mg, I did a OPK on Day 10 (Sunday) and got a positive :oooo: (not much :nap: for me and hubby these last few days i can tell you :lol:) Anyway I've been trying to follow the SMEP (i think thats how you forumites refer to it) and im hoping and praying that this could be my lucky month. I just feel like it wont ever happen and im becoming increasingly desperate.

Anyway waffle over and im not really sure what im asking but I guess id be interested to know if anyone has been in a similar situation and has any success stories to share.

Please and thank you in advance :)
Hello and welcome. Sorry I can't answer your questions but we have a long term ttc section and I know some of the ladies in there have pcos so they maybe able to help. Good luck on your journey x
Hello and welcome. Sorry I can't answer your questions but we have a long term ttc section and I know some of the ladies in there have pcos so they maybe able to help. Good luck on your journey x

Thanks :) whoops maybe i posted in wrong section then...apologies for that!
U welcome in this section to! Good luck with ttc, sounds like u on right road xx :) Thanks for sharing ur story :)
Hiya - I think I've replied on one of your other threads but welcome again :smile:
Sorry to hear you've had such trouble. I also have pcos but had successful ovarian drilling as I now have a five month old. However, like you I was told that I had a 4-6 month gap in which to conceive before it all started to go haywire again. If I hadn't conceived the plan was to put me in metformin to regulate ovulation, has anyone suggested this? X

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Hello and welcome. Sorry I can't answer your questions but we have a long term ttc section and I know some of the ladies in there have pcos so they maybe able to help. Good luck on your journey x

Thanks :) whoops maybe i posted in wrong section then...apologies for that!

no you havent posted in the wrong section love x welcome to ttc xx
No you posted in the correct section we are all ttc in hear! X
Hi and welcome to the forum! I can't help but wanted to say hiya x

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Thank you so much for the replies!

Noone has suggested metformin yet (TBH Im not sure what that does - I thought that as long as Clomifene successfully triggered ovulation then the next step would be assisted conception referral)
What does metformin do? (please excuse my ignorance on that front!)
It's great! I've only been here since end January but its like a haven lol X is be lost without it ha ha x

Sent from my HTC One S
Thanks for the replies!

I've read through the document - interesting! If Clomifene is succesfully making me ovulate alone then what additional benefits would Metformin give me? Also it says PCOS sufferers may have increased LH in their system so could this affect the results of an OPK? Could my positive OPK result not actually be positive because of this?

Sorry for all of the questions :0

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