My sons turned into a monster!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Hes driving me mad!!! He was such a good baby, really content, slept well and hardly ever cried :D Since hes turned 10-11 months hes a little monster. He whines all day (I thought that was a girl thing) I'm not allowed out of his sight, hes attached to me leg most of the day, I can't even shut the door while I'm on the toilet or he goes mad. He hits his sisters, throws tantrums and is basically a big pain in the bum :evil: I can only use the computer while peppa pigs on or he HAS to be on my knee. Please tell me I'm not the only one going through this at his age! Hes only 14 months and I can't put up with this for another 2 years.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Isaac's not always easy but I think most of it is his teething to be honest, and as for following you, he just loves you :hug: I do hope his tantrums ease up though for you, and buy some Peppa DVD's maybe? Very best wishes kellie80 :hug: :hug: :hug:
sounds like your talking about our son too :lol:

Finleys not that clingy anymore but he is quite demanding too, hes more stroppy now though, throwing tantrums anywhere, im sure he will settle down, Finley went through a stage of me not being able to do a single thing without him screaming but hes gradually got out of it
you sound like you have copied my exact thoughts on Joe :lol:
He is a wee bit better at 20 months but very hitty and tempra'mental'.

I adore him though :hug:

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