My scan today - be warned rant included! :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Chezza - have just read your post can't believe they've done that. And Ella, mine sounds similar to yours, so this is for you both :hug:

My usual consultant had been signed off so I had a replacement (bloke) bit of a stoner who did nothing but moan about the fact that he had so much more work to do with his colleague off.

I didn't get my 4d scan which I was told I would have (he said 4D scans are just a waste of resources! nice...) and the scan was a rushed 10 minutes. The images were really unclear and he took no interest in answering our questions like "is that his/her foot?" could only just make out the nose of bubs (which seems HUGE by the way - just as I predicted!) so I'm really really gutted.

He didn't have time to answer any of my questions/concerns - he just referred me to speak to reception (who then referred me to speak to my doctor or someone at antenatal classes in 2 months time!) I came out of the hospital in tears. I know it's all a bit vein and I should be made up that bubs is all well but am just so gutted had pysched myself up for 2 months only to be really let down :(

Anyway I feel better for getting it out now - it's not often I rant but when I do I go for it!!!

By the way am not gonna post a pic as even I can't make out what's what. And we're still team green - looks like this bubs is gonna be one big surprise at the end.

Right am gonna see what you've all been up to today and cheer myself up a bit :)
Oh hun sorry you had a crappy time at you scan :hug: Not long though hun and youl have your lo in your arms :cheer:
Sorry to hear your scan was disappointing. Did they get all the necessary checks done on the baby? It's rubbish that he couldn't/wouldn't make time to answer your questions. Maybe you could give your midwife a call for a chat if you have questions following the scan. Are you sure you don't want to post the picture? We could have a go at working it out :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:
Maybe I should just post the pic anyway then you'll see what I mean. There'll all close up pics though so you don't get the full body - just a blurred ear/nose or something!!! Unfortunately this is the equivilent to the midwife and they don't take calls - totally sucks. That's why I use this forum as you girls are all my midwives :lol: :hug:
I know just how you feel, we get so excited about that big scan and then when they rushed through it it was awful. I knew she could have got better images if she could have been bothered :roll:

When I had the same scan with darragh she was so nice and took her time showing us everything - oh well as you say the main thing is bubs is ok
sorry ur scan didnt go well chick, it makes me so bad when i hear peoples stories like this, why cant people just make this time nice for us all :hug:
I'd complain to someone about it.

Your 20 week scan is supposed ot be a detailed one and if they rushed it then I would think they might not have measured things properly.

My 20 week scan was long. We must have been in there for about half an hour.
Aww sorry you didnt have a good scan, could you ask for it to be repeated as you felt it was rushed and your questions went unanswered. :hug: :hug:
Just a quikkie as need to prep for a full day training tomorrow now, but thanks for advice. Think I will ask for a repeat next month when I have the next visit with the usual female consultant. He did get all the measurements done and all's well. Got the weight - 526grams! So I know something! Cheers girls :hug:
:hug: Hugs Timtam, post your pics I'd love to see them. The guy who scanned you sounds like a right *bleep*
Awww I'm sorry to hear about your scan hun, that's horrible. :hug: All them months of waiting, then they just rush you through it and make you feel bad for asking too many questions! :twisted:

I had that with my 12 week scan, I know it's not as detailed and they don;t check for as much but I was in there for literally 5 mins and the woman doing it only turned the screen round right at the end after she'd finished, she said 'Right there's your baby', let me look at it for about 10 seconds then said 'Hop off now please!' :roll: Hope I get someone nice for the 20 week scan!

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