My scan picture!

Here is my baby when I was 11 weeks and went for a scan. This picture is so clear and you can see everything. I'm 15 + 1 at the moment and very happy. I will also post some bump pictures too :dance:

Love Nat and bump x x

Yes it is amazing. You can see it's nose, head, body, legs and teeth :D :dance:
Thats lovely, cant get over the detail. Love the big smile the little bean has got :D

It's a smiler like it's mummy :D

I still can't believe I have a baby inside me after i've been wanting one for ages :D
MomNat said:
It's a smiler like it's mummy :D

I still can't believe I have a baby inside me after i've been wanting one for ages :D

Aww it truly is a miracle hun and I'm so happy for you, no wonder he/she is smiling :D
Aww thanks hun :D this child is going to be showered with love, kisses and cuddles every day :) I still can't believe it. I've wanted a baby for so long and looked after other's and other children and finally i'm having my own! :D
MomNat said:
Aww thanks hun :D this child is going to be showered with love, kisses and cuddles every day :) I still can't believe it. I've wanted a baby for so long and looked after other's and other children and finally i'm having my own! :D

Aww thats one very lucky little baby. I'm also expecting after wanting a 2nd child for over 4 years and being told it could never happen, hence my username :D
Aww we only started trying for a baby on Friday 24th February (my most fertile day) and between then and Sunday 26th February I got pregnant - first time. We are very lucky and very verile :D
MomNat said:
Aww we only started trying for a baby on Friday 24th February (my most fertile day) and between then and Sunday 26th February I got pregnant - first time. We are very lucky and very verile :D

LOL Something similar happened to us with our dd. Had only been trying for 8 days. The hubby got unbearable after and kept calling himself The Impregnator and doing the music from The Terminator. It was at that point I realised I already had a child :lol:
I realised I was pregnant when I did the test, didn't look and handed it to Paul (my fiance/husband to be/baby's father) for him to read it out to me and it was a Clearblue Digital test :D I was over the moon. We knew that we were going to try for a baby so we decorating and finished the baby's room before we even started trying :lol:
MomNat said:
I realised I was pregnant when I did the test, didn't look and handed it to Paul (my fiance/husband to be/baby's father) for him to read it out to me and it was a Clearblue Digital test :D I was over the moon. We knew that we were going to try for a baby so we decorating and finished the baby's room before we even started trying :lol:

Wow now thats what I call forward planning :shock: :D
I always plan ahead :D it's either that or wait until the baby is born then do a nursery. The baby is goiing straight into it's own room - no being in our room for a few months then have the hassle of getting it in it's own room. It will happen straight away
MomNat said:
I always plan ahead :D it's either that or wait until the baby is born then do a nursery. The baby is goiing straight into it's own room - no being in our room for a few months then have the hassle of getting it in it's own room. It will happen straight away

I'm going to have this little one sleep in his moses basket with us until about 8 weeks then he'll be into his own room.
MomNat said:
I always plan ahead :D it's either that or wait until the baby is born then do a nursery. The baby is goiing straight into it's own room - no being in our room for a few months then have the hassle of getting it in it's own room. It will happen straight away

i can tell its your first baby! i shall remind you of this statement when your baby is born and tucked up in bed with you having a feed. The cot in the nursery un slept in. :wink:
budge said:
MomNat said:
I always plan ahead :D it's either that or wait until the baby is born then do a nursery. The baby is goiing straight into it's own room - no being in our room for a few months then have the hassle of getting it in it's own room. It will happen straight away

i can tell its your first baby! i shall remind you of this statement when your baby is born and tucked up in bed with you having a feed. The cot in the nursery un slept in. :wink:

Yes do please remind me of it. There's no way that the baby will be tucked up in bed with me. I don't think that's very safe and won't want to risk it so at night it will go into it's cot in it's own room. I'm not going to be lieniant and be swayed
your scan pic is lovely.

i had my daughter in my room till 6months, she wasnt to bad going to her own room either, the only reason she was in my room for so long was because my house at the time had 2 floors and my room was on the top floor the nursey was on the middle floor so i would be up and down stairs all night.
i have cot and every thing in the nursery for my son but he has reflux and is often sick in his sleep have found him choking to many times so he is in a carrycot next to my bed at the mo, once he is to big for it in about a month il be putting him in his own room 8)
ild prefer him in his own room now but cant take the risk with him being so sick
some people will say sleeping witha baby safer than not. Its personal choice atthe end of the day. So long as you're not drunk there is little risk of you rolling onto the baby. In china the rate of cot death is vertually nil and they say its becasue babies are very rarely left alone there. They are slept with and cuddled and held by someone all day.

I have slept with all my babies. I think its more natural. And if it means baby sleep and mummy sleeps thatgood for me! :D
I never had problems getting them into their new rooms either.

You sound like you have everything sussed though. Good luck. :D

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