My OH can be such a div sometimes lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Whenever I need to do something for Albert and he needs to do something else, he thinks it's the right time to start dicking about with the baby :roll:. He needs to do his sandwiches for work and I need to run Bertie's OH starts trying to make Bertie laugh and then gets offended when I ask him to get on with it lol. He doesn't get it that the sooner I get things done the sooner Bertie is bathed and fed, if we wait too long the baby kicks off and OH wonders why!

Men!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Blokes in general are I think. Prime example being my OH tonight. Got back from a lovely walk with my friend and her baby and Evie had fallen asleep in the car seat. Normally as soon as the engine goes off she is wide awake but this time she was still flat out when I brought her in and popped her in the kitchen, so decided to leave her there. OH says he is going to feed the cat and I remind him to do it quietly as E is asleep in there. I'm sitting in the next toom, and hear him whispering to the cat, really quietly opening the cupboard with the food, mashing it up quietly rather than manically chopping it like he normally does..... then he goes and chucks the bloody metal fork into the metal sink which makes such a loud clatter E wakes up shrieking. Cheers you tosser!! There goes my nap time opportunity to get some jobs done!! Grrrrrr
Ha my hubby does exactly the same but usually slams doors

His latest one is screaming at the tv when someone scores. Last night bring a prime example when Ireland scored he made suck a loud noise it woke Harry up

And he wonders why I get pissed off
Ugh my oh does this, its like living with a herd of elephants I've never known anyone so noisy. Or if Charlie's fallen asleep in the car which isn't often we will creep indoors with him, then his phone will ring and his voice gets a thousand times louder and matchoer (word?) On the phone.'ALRIGHT MATE HOW'S IT GOING?' meanwhile I am seething like 'stfu!' X
Yep my OH doesn't get that everythings needs to be done quickly efficiently and QUIETLY

He doesn't know the meaning of the word quiet I'm sure !
My OH laughs unbelievably loud and it makes Aimee jump and de latch from the breast which has usually taken me a good while to get her on properly! Men are dumb lol
Same here!

H hates shouting and raised voices, so without fail, he will yell my name from the living room whilst I'm 1000 miles away... H has the fright of her life with the shouting and then screams blue murder for 30 minutes... Of which it's me that has to calm her... Stupid male specimen!! X
Yep, my OH is the same. He can't even get into bed quietly!! It's all huffing n puffing....xx
Well Albert had a right little tantrum at 2am this morning thanks to his dad's snoring lol. He sort of went aarrrgghhh and started kicking the end of the moses basket. I was trying so hard not to laugh lol and gave the OH a poke to get him to roll over
My OH is exactly the same... he gets up for work at 5.. quietly goes into the bathroom, i go back to sleep thinking he will be quiet and next minute the taps are on full whack and hes doing god knows what to wash his face..

Then he will creep downstairs and ill hear BANG BANG BANG while he gets his breakfast...

Then creeps into the living and then all i can hear is the theme tune to Sky Sports News...

I dont think men know the meaning of the word quiet!!
Sounds exactly like my OH !!
Bloody men!! :strangle:

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