My LO rolled over....


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
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for the 1st time today....I could have cried when she did....she has been getting really frustrated with herself the last couple of days tryiny to push herself over and today she done it....she couldnt figure out how to pull her arms from underneath her tho bless her.....OH rang on his break and I told him and he didnt really seem to believe me but when he came in from work she has done it twice again!

Such a little super star! Its also scary as she is growing up so fast! And as she is still tiny (she was 5lb2 born and now weighs 12lb3)

Hope your all well.


I remember when savannah first started rolling and it took her a little while to figure out where to put her arms.

Now she wont stop rolling!

Your LO sounds like shes doing really well :)

Aww she is she is doing so well. She isnt a fan of been on her front as her arms aint very strong so I have bought her 1 of those La Maze play mats with the little ladybird you lie them on their fronts on and they can spin themselves round using their feet and hand. Its got lots of diff plays things on for them to see and touch. Im bloody addicted to La Maze toys atm! haha

We have one of these too! The spinny bit is like pink and purple? Savannah has nearly outgrown hers now but i do think it helped to improve her strength in her arms.

We love Lamaze toys, The first ever toy we brought savannah was the lamaze freddie the firefly and she loved it. They are really great value as well.

She may not be a fan of being on her front at the moment but believe me give her a few weeks and she will love rolling so much you wont be able to lie her still to change her bum!!
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Aww I love them.....there is one in particular Maisey loves....Its a big not with rings and a mirror hanging off it.....she sometimes falls to sleep holding it! My best friend told me about them and since Maisey started to intereact with them Im blaming her for going bankrupt hahah.

Aww Maisey thinks its playtime when she has her nappy changed she wont stay still.....her legs are always up and down up and down haha
They are great.

I had never heard of lamaze until a few weeks before i had savannah but would recommend them to anyone now!

Aww... sometimes i end up giving up and trying to change savannah whilst shes led on her tummy because she wont stay on her back anymore.

Glad to hear your LO is doing well :)
God its gonna be hard trying to do housework now she can roll! She isnt a fan of her chair or bumbo but I do have a doorway bounce that she loves but I darenit go far when she is in it haha.

We had the same problem... We now lie a blanket in the middle of the floor and put all of her toys around her and she just sort of rolls about grabbing them... thats the only way she will stay happy for long enough to get anythiing done!
Its totally amazing how fast they grow isnt it! All of my friends told me about how hard it gets but you dont realise till it happens.....some days I lay playing with her and hours pass!!!! Its bloody crazy!
Well done babies!

wait til they double roll.. you leave them on your playmat leave for 2 seconds, come in again and panic when you can't see them!! :whistle:
I used to live in a single room and when I went to the toilet and came back I couldn't find Jaycee she had rolled under her cot!! Lol!!

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