my livingroom...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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has been taken over with baby things!!! Im not having it for another 9 weeks :wall:

We are using the bank holiday to pull everything together and get as much ready as we can. we have brought all of the things OH's parents have been storing (pushchair, carseat, cot and bedding). I guess this is just a taster of things to come lol
Yes it is believe me! but how exciting :D i remember doing that first time around. just enjoy it, its hard to believe you will have a tiny baby in there in no time :angel: been getting a few things ready myself i have most things though. i have been getting the exciting things like sanitary towels and breast pads, disposable knickers things like that :roll:
wait till its born! then you'll not be able to move at all! :rotfl:
Budge you took the words out of my mouth - once baby arrives, believe me it will no longer be YOUR living room!!

Its all true, my sparw room is cluutered with baby things, but have packed most of them due to move :(
i'v had to give up my room :(

we hav 3 bedrooms and aside from OUR bedroom we also had a room each- its gr8 to hav ur own room even as a couple in a long-term relationship- but the baby needs a room and one of us had to move out lol (admittedly he used his more than i used mine)
My spare room (which was once a spare bedroom then became my work from home office) is now the "baby's room". Over the last few months OH and I have cleared out some clutter from the house to make room for the inevitable baby stuff. It's really nice to look at the crib and imagine LO laying in there in a few months time. :)

I know how you feel hun Kiara has taken over our living room with all her toys and belongings because her roomis upstairs so easy to have everything down here.
Now that the new baby is coming ive has to store things in our room as weonly have a two bedroom, were gonna be taken over soon :) but all worth it

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