My little Bambino!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hiya, :cheer: :cheer:

Just to let you girlies know my scan this morning went so well!

I got up early and wasn’t as nervous as last time kept telling myself to think positive and that Bambino would be ok cause I have been feeling so terrible lol!

Anyway drove to the hospital and got there, she scanned my tummy with that jelly stuff, I don’t even notice it or the way it feels as im fixated on the screen, as she scans across I see an actual baby this time no blob in sight! I cannot even put the way you feel when you see itinto words, WOW and amazement are a good descriptition. She calls Yinka over to have a look and he has joined the deep in thought viewing.

I heard the best words I needed to hear, there is a heartbeat, she was also able to point out the arms and legs, this is two weeks since the last scan, to see how much it has grown is truly AMAZING the best thing that happened was I was watching carefully, funnily enough I asked the lady what the bambino was doing with its arm it was on its head kind of like a comfort thing and then it moves!!! And makes a motion of waving at us it’s as if it heard me ask what it was doing with its arm, it did a little wiggle aswell.

The lady pointed out the placenta to me and said that it had started to develop she told me the measurements of it too (the baby) and I asked if it was good and she said yes it all seemed fine. I also asked her seeing as we had a scan at more or less 10 weeks (my dates have changed which im so happy about because less waiting to tell ppl!) would it be likely tings would be ok and she said yes so I feel a lot more confident.

See enclosed pic of Bambino sorry its blurred but I took with my camera Yinka is going to scan soon…

awwww, the pic is so clear.

Congrats, I had no idea you had got your BFP, must have missed it :hug:
3pm im not looking forward to it :( sometimes you get a good feeling sometimes a bad one, today i have a bad one :?
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
What a fantastic picture!!! It really looks like a baby :D My 12 week scan looked like an alien :rotfl: I'm so happy for you!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh wonderful news and your scan pic is really clear :cheer: :cheer:

really happy for you xxx
Yippeeeeeeeeee! So excited for you. What a perfect looking lil bubba :cheer: :hug: xxx
Wow Sharne! That's a lovely pic! :cheer: :hug:

You really ARE going to be a Mummy now! Does it feel real yet?! xx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The piccie is fab, perfect little bubba!!

No wonder we feel so sicky with all the growing baby is doing.
What a cute LO :cheer: He/she looks very comfy in there :D

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