My Good News


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hey everyone

Just joined you guys, done my wee test last nite and yeah its positive - im legally PREGNANT - nearly had a heart attach :lol:
This is my 1st time so i haven't really got a clue what to do now or where to turn next, besides booking an appointment with my doctor. I will probably look daft asking these questions but i've never done this before and i know all you guys have more experience than me and i guess im hoping you won't mind helping me out....My period was due on Sunday you see so i done the test last nite, so do i start to count my days from here on or do i say im a week gone??? Sorry but yeah im useless at the minute..

Thanks a hundred million bits :hug:

I certainly don't have more experience than you, I'm a first timer too!!! But I don't mind chatting and helping out if I can.


Date it from the 1st day of your last period, thats how many weeks you are x

Congrats!!!!! Another member for first tri :cheer:
Hi and congratulations, to work out how far gone you are you count from the first day of your last period. If you do a google search for pregnancy calculator this will be able to tell you.
Hiya and congrats! Im a first time too and wasnt sure what to do! As the ladies says its from the first day of your last period. I booked in to see my doctor at the first available day! LOL - she said congrats, didnt need to do a test as she said home tests were very good nowadays. I then got booked in for my booking in appointment which is your first appointment with your midwife and a general discussion about how the system works and the different screening tests you'll be asked if you want to take. My booking in appointment was at about 7 weeks i think.

Enjoy it though hun and see your doc and get yourself booked in! xxx

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